Venue: Council Chamber, Daneshill House, Danestrete, Stevenage
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Decision: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors John Duncan, Richard Henry, Liz Harrington, Chris Howells, Graham Lawrence and Simon Speller.
Councillor Phil Bibby declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Item 11 Notice of Motion – Homelessness Policies in view of his role as a landlord although the properties he owned were outside of Stevenage.
At this juncture, the Mayor announced a number of recent bereavements including Alderman Ann Webb, Alex Lang – a former officer of the Council who had significant involvement with the Stevenage Community Trust and Stevenage Rotary Club and also David Lytton Cobbold.
A number of tributes were given by Members in remembrance and a minutes’s silence was held. |
MAYOR'S COMMUNICATIONS To receive any communications that the Mayor may wish to put before the Council. Decision: The Mayor summarised the activities that she and her consort had been involved with since the previous Council meeting in May 2022. These had included:
· Queen’s Beacon Lighting and Fireworks; · Big Lunch at Fairlands Valley Park; · Art in the Park Exhibition at Hampson Park; · Stevenage Day; · Stevenage Arts Festival; · Stevenage Campus Partnership Launch at GSK; · Biz4Biz Awards Gala Evening; · Town Twinning Tripartite Visit to Ingelheim; · Bus Interchange Opening.
The Mayor then announced her upcoming raffle in aid of her charities and Garden Party on Sunday 11 September 2022. |
MINUTES - 25 MAY 2022 (ANNUAL MEETING) PDF 242 KB To approve as a record the attached Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 25 May 2022 for signature by the Mayor. Decision: It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 25 May 2022 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS None received. Decision: There was no community presentation. |
PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS None received. Decision: There were no petitions or deputations.
QUESTIONS FROM THE YOUTH COUNCIL None received. Decision: There was no questions from the Youth Council.
QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None received. Decision: There was no questions from the public.
LEADER OF THE COUNCIL'S UPDATE In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, the Leader of the Opposition shall be given the opportunity to raise one matter relevant to the Borough that has arisen since the last meeting of the Council. The Leader of the Council shall then have the opportunity to advise the Council of matters relevant to the Borough that have arisen since the last meeting. Decision: The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Phil Bibby, asked the following question:
“Are the Executive aware that £1.75billion was being allocated by the Government for the Social Housing De-carbonisation Scheme alongside Home Upgrade Grants of £1.425 billion with the aim of reducing emissions from public sector buildings by 75% by 2037 and if so what plans does the Council have to capitalise on this Government funding.”
The Leader of the Council replied that the Council had already successfully applied for £1million from the decarbonisation fund and she hoped that the new Prime Minister when in place would continue with this programme. She assured Councillor Bibby that she welcomed any funding for decarbonisation and would bid for any funding available although this would unfortunately not be enough to carry out the works required.
The Council then received updates from relevant Executive Portfolio Holders on the following matters:
· Airbus Economic Impact Survey; · Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) Stevenage Campus Partnership Launch; · Co-operative Neighbourhoods and Digital Enhancement Funding Award; · Stevenage Day 2022; · Helston House Visit; · Gibbs and Dandy opening; · Launch of SADA Charity; · Visioning exercise for Gunnels Wood Road; · The first tranche of the Towns Fund had been received and projects were now underway.
The Leader of the Opposition stressed the importance of jobs being available for local people and maximising Section 106 monies from developers for infrastructure improvement to the Town.
UPDATE FROM SCRUTINY CHAIRS To receive updates from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the recent activities of those Committees. Decision: The Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee advised that the Committee had met on 4 occasions in recent months, considering items such as Corporate Performance, Budget monitoring and the Towns Fund Business Cases.
The Chair of the Community Select Committee stated that the recent work of the Committee had been to finalise its work programme. The main item for scrutiny for the year focussed on the Housing Service specifically the issue of voids but also looking at the repairs service. Work would also be undertaken on performance improvement and they would be receiving updates on service charges. Alongside this would be the statutory scrutiny meetings to consider Crime and Disorder and Public Health.
The Chair of the Environment & Economy Select Committee advised that the Committee’s work had continued to focus on scrutiny of the Council’s Climate Emergency plans and monitoring the work of other agencies within the community. The Committee’s work had included interviews with the Leader of the Council and relevant Portfolio Holders. |
SCRUTINY ANNUAL REPORT 2021/22 PDF 298 KB To consider the Annual Scrutiny Report 2021/22. Decision: It was moved, seconded and RESOLVED that the work undertaken by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees during 2021/22, as set out in the report, be noted.
NOTICE OF MOTIONS In accordance with Standing Orders, the following motions have been received for consideration:
(i) Cost of Living Crisis
To be moved by the Labour Group.
“The cost of living crisis is affecting every family across Stevenage, and many are facing dreadful decisions about what they can and cannot afford to do at the most basic levels some having to choose between heating, eating or transport to work.
The Chancellor’s Spring Statement was a lost opportunity to ensure real and substantial help to those families and once again local government is left picking up the pieces of hunger, homelessness and poverty and the effects these have on everyone suffering.
In Stevenage we have now set up a Cost of Living Task Force which will work with the Stevenage Together Partnership to identify the support needed in our community and ensure we have actions in place to address the needs identified.
In Stevenage we can and must take the following urgent actions:
· We declare this to be a Cost of Living emergency and pledge to take all the action in our powers to help our community and to mitigate its impact wherever possible. · Work through our Cost of Living Task Force to identify actions and policies to support our community and the council through the crisis. · Call upon our MP to lobby his Chancellor of the Exchequer to take urgent measures to support individuals, communities and families through this crisis. · Call on Hertfordshire County Council to make permanent and enduring commitment to providing holiday food to children entitled to Free School Meals. · Work with the retail sector in Stevenage to reduce food waste, donate surpluses to food banks and ensure that affordable food is available to all. · Ensure that all our schools have established and responsive systems for identifying and supporting those children who are struggling through food and fuel poverty · Call upon the government to scrap the National Insurance increase, continue to impose a windfall tax on oil and gas companies while it is necessary to remove a substantial sum from citizens energy bills and immediately restore the triple lock for pensions. · Call upon Government to restore the additional Universal Credit payment made during the Covid crisis. · Write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to point out the critical situation facing our community and the financial impact the cost of living crisis will have on council finances.”
(ii) Homelessness Policies
To be moved by Councillor Phil Bibby CC and seconded by Councillor Wendy Kerby.
“In April of this year, there was a concerning report in the Comet newspaper under the headline ‘Couple unable to return to rented home’, describing that the landlords rented their retirement home on a short-term basis, and hoped to move back in just before Christmas last year but, two days before the tenant was due to vacate the property, having been given proper notice, she was told by the Council’s housing department to remain in the property, against the threat ... view the full agenda text for item 11. Decision: 1. Cost of Living Crisis
Councillor Sharon Taylor moved and Councillor Mrs Joan Lloyd seconded a motion in respect of the Cost of Living Crisis. Following debate and upon being put to the vote, it was RESOLVED that:
“The cost of living crisis is affecting every family across Stevenage, and many are facing dreadful decisions about what they can and cannot afford to do at the most basic levels some having to choose between heating, eating or transport to work.
The Chancellor’s Spring Statement was a lost opportunity to ensure real and substantial help to those families and once again local government is left picking up the pieces of hunger, homelessness and poverty and the effects these have on everyone suffering.
In Stevenage we have now set up a Cost of Living Task Force which will work with the Stevenage Together Partnership to identify the support needed in our community and ensure we have actions in place to address the needs identified.
In Stevenage we can and must take the following urgent actions:
· We declare this to be a Cost of Living emergency and pledge to take all the action in our powers to help our community and to mitigate its impact wherever possible. · Work through our Cost of Living Task Force to identify actions and policies to support our community and the council through the crisis. · Call upon our MP to lobby his Chancellor of the Exchequer to take urgent measures to support individuals, communities and families through this crisis. · Call on Hertfordshire County Council to make permanent and enduring commitment to providing holiday food to children entitled to Free School Meals. · Work with the retail sector in Stevenage to reduce food waste, donate surpluses to food banks and ensure that affordable food is available to all. · Ensure that all our schools have established and responsive systems for identifying and supporting those children who are struggling through food and fuel poverty · Call upon the government to scrap the National Insurance increase, continue to impose a windfall tax on oil and gas companies while it is necessary to remove a substantial sum from citizens energy bills and immediately restore the triple lock for pensions. · Call upon Government to restore the additional Universal Credit payment made during the Covid crisis. · Write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to point out the critical situation facing our community and the financial impact the cost of living crisis will have on council finances.
2. Homelessness Policies
Councillor Phil Bibby moved and Councillor Wendy Kerby seconded a motion with regard to Homelessness Policies:
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS TO COMMITTEE CHAIRS / PORTFOLIO HOLDERS PDF 428 KB In accordance with Standing Orders, written answers to the following questions will be circulated on a supplementary agenda.
(A) Question from Councillor Claire Parris
“Can I ask if the Council has any updates on the proposed radiology facility and its location?”
(B) Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness
“What assessment will be undertaken by officers of the negative consequences on the Council of a “lame duck Government” caused by the resignation of Boris Johnson?”
(C) Question from Councillor Stephen Booth
“What steps have the Council undertaken to work with partner agencies to ensure that the empty homes in Tabor Close are occupied as soon as possible?”
(D) Question from Councillor Robin Parker CC
What is being done, in conjunction with the County Council as the Highways “Authority, to solve the traffic congestion issues at the exit from Swingate onto Lytton Way, which continue to be a regular problem at busy times and which started following the remodelling of Lytton Way?”
(E) Question from Councillor Alex Farquharson
“Will you guarantee that a community centre will be built to replace the previously demolished building at the Hertford Road/Kenilworth Close shops?”
(F) Question from Councillor Bret Facey
“Does the Council have any plans to close or reduce the size of the indoor market in the foreseeable future?”
(G) Question from Councillor Tom Wren
“What does the Council consider to be an acceptable time for residents to wait for telephone call enquiries to be answered?” Additional documents: Decision: The Council received seven questions from Members to Committee Chairs/Portfolio Holders. The responses to the seven questions had been published in the supplementary agenda for the meeting.
(A) Question from Councillor Claire Parris re: Proposed hospital radiotherapy facility
Supplementary question – “When Stephen McPartland was elected as MP for Stevenage in 2010, he promised the residents of Stevenage that they would have a radiotherapy unit. This has not come to fruition in 12 years therefore could the Council write to the MP to ask if he was involved in the decision to locate the facility at Watford General Hospital and will he champion a satellite unit located in Stevenage?”
The Portfolio Holder advised that a number of major decisions had been made by the NHS without proper knowledge of local views. She agreed to write to the MP to ask him to fight for the people of Stevenage and their need to have a radiotherapy facility in the Town.
(B) Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness re: an assessment consequences of the recent resignation of the Prime Minister
Supplementary question – “Would Councillor Taylor invite Councillor Bibby as Leader of the Opposition to apologise for the conduct of his Leader”
The Leader of the Council agreed that the current situation at Westminster would not help to address the crisis happening in the country and the Government would not be in place until at least the end of September. She suggested that a General Election would be the best way forward.
(C) Question from Councillor Stephen Booth re: Empty properties in Tabor Close
Councillor Thomas provided additional information in relation to the question. She advised that the works had been programmed to happen between the 2nd and 26th August close to the junction at Ferrier Road and Bernhardt Crescent. The works could not be undertaken any sooner due to the Highways Authority having to carry out the works during the summer break due to the close proximity to a local school.
Supplementary question – “Why do the required highways works prevent people from moving in to the properties”
The Portfolio Holder replied that the houses belonged to Origin Housing Association and although the delay had been frustrating, the Council had to work with the Housing Association’s and the Highways Agency’s requirements. Tenants on the list for these properties had been given the choice to bid for alternative properties if they wished to.
(D) Question from Councillor Robin Parker re: traffic issues at the exit from Swingate onto Lytton Way
Supplementary question – “What response had been received from Herts County Council to the questions asked?”
The Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise and Transport replied that he would provide a written answer to Councillor Parker regarding this matter.
(E) Question from Councillor Alex Farquharson re: a Community Centre at the Hertford Road/Kenilworth Close shops
Supplementary question – “Is there a guarantee that the Community Centre will be built and what are the timescales?”
The Portfolio Holder for Communities, Neighbourhoods and Co-operative ... view the full decision text for item 12. |
PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2022/23 - ADDENDUM PDF 205 KB To consider a report recommending the approval of an addendum to the Pay Policy Statement 2022/23. Additional documents:
Decision: It was moved by Councillor Mrs Joan Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Sharon Taylor, and following debate and upon being put to the vote, it was
RESOLVED that the amended Pay Policy Statement set out in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, as attached at Appendix 1 to the report be approved.
In response to a question, Councillor Mrs Lloyd agreed to provide to Councillors Booth and Parker a written response relating to the monthly allowance paid to the Chief Executive and Strategic Directors of £24.95
MEMBER SUBSTITUTION SCHEME FOR REGULATORY COMMITTEES PDF 189 KB To appoint named Councillors as substitute Members for the Council’s Regulatory Committees (Licensing, General Purposes and Planning & Development Committees), as required by the Council’s Constitution.
[REPORT TO FOLLOW] Decision: It was moved by Councillor Sharon Taylor, seconded by Mrs Joan Lloyd, and following debate and upon being put to the vote, it was
RESOLVED that the following Councillors be appointed as substitute Members (“Named Substitutes”) for the Council’s Regulatory Committees (Licensing, General Purposes and Planning and Development Committees) as required by the Substitution Scheme as set out in the Council’s Constitution:
Licensing and General Purposes Committees
· Labour Group – Councillors Adrian Brown, Sandra Barr, Teresa Callaghan and Sharon Taylor OBE CC; · Conservative Group – Councillors Phil Bibby CC and Wendy Kerby; · Liberal Democrat Group – Councillors Stephen Booth and Tom Wren
Planning and Development Committee
· Labour Group – Councillors Myla Arceno, Rob Broom, Jim Brown and Nazmin Chowdhury; · Conservative Group – Councillors Phil Bibby CC and Alex Farquharson; · Liberal Democrat Group – Councillors Andy McGuinness and Tom Wren.
AUDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES PDF 222 KB To note the Minutes of the meetings of the Audit Committee held on 28 February 2022, 28 March 2022 and 7 June 2022. Additional documents:
Decision: The Minutes of the meetings of the Audit Committee held on 28 February 2022, 28 March 2022 and 7 June 2022 were received and noted. |