Agenda item


In accordance with Standing Orders, written answers to the following questions will be circulated on a supplementary agenda.


(A)       Question from Councillor Claire Parris


“Can I ask if the Council has any updates on the proposed radiology facility and its location?”


(B)       Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness


What assessment will be undertaken by officers of the negative consequences on the Council of a “lame duck Government” caused by the resignation of Boris Johnson?”


(C)      Question from Councillor Stephen Booth


What steps have the Council undertaken to work with partner agencies to ensure that the empty homes in Tabor Close are occupied as soon as possible?”


(D)      Question from Councillor Robin Parker CC


What is being done, in conjunction with the County Council as the Highways “Authority, to solve the traffic congestion issues at the exit from Swingate onto Lytton Way, which continue to be a regular problem at busy times and which started following the remodelling of Lytton Way?”


(E)       Question from Councillor Alex Farquharson


“Will you guarantee that a community centre will be built to replace the previously demolished building at the Hertford Road/Kenilworth Close shops?”


(F)       Question from Councillor Bret Facey


“Does the Council have any plans to close or reduce the size of the indoor market in the foreseeable future?”


(G)      Question from Councillor Tom Wren


What does the Council consider to be an acceptable time for residents to wait for telephone call enquiries to be answered?”


The Council received seven questions from Members to Committee Chairs/Portfolio Holders.  The responses to the seven questions had been published in the supplementary agenda for the meeting.


(A)      Question from Councillor Claire Parris re: Proposed hospital radiotherapy facility


Supplementary question – “When Stephen McPartland was elected as MP for Stevenage in 2010, he promised the residents of Stevenage that they would have a radiotherapy unit.  This has not come to fruition in 12 years therefore could the Council write to the MP to ask if he was involved in the decision to locate the facility at Watford General Hospital and will he champion a satellite unit located in Stevenage?”


The Portfolio Holder advised that a number of major decisions had been made by the NHS without proper knowledge of local views. She agreed to write to the MP to ask him to fight for the people of Stevenage and their need to have a radiotherapy facility in the Town.


(B)      Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness re: an assessment consequences of the recent resignation of the Prime Minister


Supplementary question – “Would Councillor Taylor invite Councillor Bibby as Leader of the Opposition to apologise for the conduct of his Leader”


The Leader of the Council agreed that the current situation at Westminster would not help to address the crisis happening in the country and the Government would not be in place until at least the end of September.  She suggested that a General Election would be the best way forward.


(C)      Question from Councillor Stephen Booth re: Empty properties in Tabor Close


Councillor Thomas provided additional information in relation to the question.  She advised that the works had been programmed to happen between the 2nd and 26th August close to the junction at Ferrier Road and Bernhardt Crescent. The works could not be undertaken any sooner due to the Highways Authority having to carry out the works during the summer break due to the close proximity to a local school.


Supplementary question – “Why do the required highways works prevent people from moving in to the properties”


The Portfolio Holder replied that the houses belonged to Origin Housing Association and although the delay had been frustrating, the Council had to work with the Housing Association’s and the Highways Agency’s requirements.  Tenants on the list for these properties had been given the choice to bid for alternative properties if they wished to.



(D)      Question from Councillor Robin Parker re: traffic issues at the exit from Swingate onto Lytton Way


Supplementary question – “What response had been received from Herts County Council to the questions asked?”


The Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise and Transport replied that he would provide a written answer to Councillor Parker regarding this matter.


(E)      Question from Councillor Alex Farquharson re: a Community Centre at the Hertford Road/Kenilworth Close shops


Supplementary question – “Is there a guarantee that the Community Centre will be built and what are the timescales?”


The Portfolio Holder for Communities, Neighbourhoods and Co-operative Council replied that the Council would fulfil its duty to replace the Community Centre but that she would consult the officers and provide a written answer to Councillor Farquharson regarding the timescales.


(F)      Question from Councillor Bret Facey re: plans for the Indoor Market


Supplementary question – “Would the Executive Member ask the officers responsible for the market to be clearer in their advice and information for traders to save a lot of stress and worry?”


The Portfolio Holder for Resources and Information Technology replied that she would ensure officers were clearer in future with the message that the Council had no intention of closing the market down and was working hard to increase the number of units within the market.


(G)     Question from Councillor Tom Wren re: waiting times for residents’ phone calls


Supplementary question – “When residents do get through to the CSC they are not often able to speak to a particular officer or Team. Are there any plans to put in place systems to enable residents to speak to those officers working remotely?”


The Portfolio Holder for Resources and Information Technology replied that staff working at home should be available by phone unless there was a reason why the number was not publicly available.  There had been an outbreak of Covid which had affected the Centre and subsequently response times.  A recruitment process was underway to try to recruit new advisors and additional funding had been made available.


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