Agenda item


To consider the following Part I Decisions of the Executive taken on 20 November 2019.


Executive                                                                                                      Page No.




2          Minutes of the Executive - 9 October 2019                                       5        

3          Minutes of the Overview & Scrutiny and Select Committees        15

4          Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy                                  21

5          Council Tax Support Scheme                                                           95

6          2019/20 Mid Year Treasury Management Review                        109

7          Second Quarter Revenue Monitoring Report 2019/20 -                135

            General Fund and Housing Revenue Account

8          Second Quarter Capital Monitoring Report 2019/20 -                  149

            General Fund and Housing Revenue Account


Notice of Decisions to follow






The Committee considered the decisions of the following matters arising from the Executive held on 20 November 2019.


Minutes of the Executive – 20 November 2019




Minutes of the Overview & Scrutiny and Select Committees




Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy


The Assistant Director (Housing & Investment) presented a revised Homelessness Strategy for 2019-2024. The strategy’s four priorities would be met through an Action Plan.  The Strategy had been revised in line with additional powers and duties introduced by Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 (HRA 17) and requirements of Housing Act 1996.


The introduction of HRA 17 had seen an increase in the number of customers seeking homelessness advice and an increase in the use of bed and breakfast accommodation.  The Committee were informed that Housing & Investment officers were working with Housing Development and other Council services regarding market acquisitions and a purpose-built hostel to reduce the use of temporary accommodation.  The Council was looking at adopting the “Finland”/ (Housing First) Model of providing homes to homeless people without imposing a condition that they engage in services for addictions or mental health.  This model had been piloted in Manchester and local authorities in Hertfordshire.  


Members welcomed the Strategy and recommended that former homeless customers be supported to tackle addiction and other underlining causes of homelessness and to learn new skills or get into training, education or work.  It was reported that some customers were turning to food banks and convenience food outlets due to the lack of kitchen utensils in temporary and emergency accommodation properties. 


In response to questions, the Assistant Director informed Members that:


·         Support arrangements for the homeless will be added to the Action Plan

·         The HMAB would receive quarterly reports and an annual report on the Homelessness Action Plan

·         The Council has a duty to provide kitchen utensils in Emergency accommodation although efforts will be made to support those who do not have these items when they are in Temporary Accommodation

·         Benefits of the Homelessness Strategy included a dedicated rough-sleeper worker and an action plan for performance monitoring

·         Personalised homelessness plan was one of the requirements of HRA 17

Members sought clarification on partnership working arrangements and the spike in the number of households placed in temporary accommodation between 2014/15 and 2015/16.


Council Tax Support Scheme


The Committee received an update on the proposed Council Tax Support Scheme for 2020/21. The proposals had previously been discussed by the committee in a Portfolio Holder Advisory Group setting. The Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) stated that efforts were directed at the software supplier to design and introduce reliable and accurate automation of Universal Credit change notices.


2019/20 Mid-Year Treasury Management Review


The Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) updated Members on the Treasury Management activities in 2019/20 and review effectiveness of the 2019/20 Treasury Management and Investment Strategy.  The AD provided clarification on the cash balances.  Members welcomed the improved chart of cash balances. 


Second Quarter Revenue Monitoring Report 2019/20 – General Fund and Housing Revenue Account


The Committee received an update on the Second Quarter Revenue Monitoring Report 2019/20.  The Assistance Director advised that the General Fund net increase to the working budget was £25,000.  She highlighted the significant increase in Bed and Breakfast costs arising from the Homeless service related Bed and Breakfast and the fuel cost saving being lower than anticipated in the 2019/20 savings option.  These pressures had been mitigated mainly from the release of £159,000 from the Regeneration Asset Reserve and the Insurance provision of £131,000.


The 2019/20 HRA net deficit had reduced by £89,000 and the most significant variances were from rents. These variances were mitigated by the Business Unit restructuring and release of some of the insurance provision. A review into the Council’s Voids Procedures had been scheduled.


In relation to paragraph 4.2.2 of the report, Officers were advised that the nearby housing scheme in East Hertfordshire was known as the “Gresley Park” development. 


Second Quarter Capital Monitoring Report 2019/20 - General Fund and Housing Revenue Account


Members received an update on the Council’s 2019/20 capital programme. The update highlighted the 2019/20 General Fund Capital Programme, Capital Resources General Fund, 2019/20 Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme and Capital Resources Housing Revenue Account. The Assistant Director (Finance and Estates) informed the Committee that the Council was looking at ways of mitigating the impact of Right To Buy (RTB) discounts.  Subject to the government’s response to the consultation on RTB sales, the Council could end up returning a proportion of the receipts to central government.


In response to questions, the Assistant Director stated that:


·         In view of the recently announced increase in the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) rate, local authorities were considering other borrowing options including inter-authority lending facilities and municipal bonds

·         The Council had sought legal advice on property investment opportunities outside the Borough


With regard to the latest award of Local Growth Funding (GD3), the Strategic Director informed the Committee that GD3 funds had not yet been released. 

The Council had met all the conditions set out by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government when the holding direction on the Stevenage Borough Local Plan was lifted.  These conditions included working with the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and other stakeholders to create a new, independent, unincorporated partnership body to oversee the town centre regeneration.  The LEP was awaiting the Secretary of State’s approval to implement the governance arrangements and appoint an independent Chair.  The delay in the release of the funds was not ideal but the Council had a commitment to utilise the funds on the new Bus Interchange and other projects before the February 2020 deadline. 




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