Agenda item


To consider the change of use of ground floor retail unit (80 Queensway), first and second floor office units (58-80 Queensway) and Forum Chambers (all Use Class E) to residential use (Use Class C3) and all associated ancillary infrastructure, and the upward extension of two additional storeys and associated external alterations and works to create a total of 71 residential units.



The Committee considered a report in respect of application 23/00502/FPM seeking planning permission for the change of use of ground floor retail unit (80 Queensway), first and second floor office units (58-80 Queensway) and Forum Chambers (all Use Class E) to residential use (Use Class C3) and all associated ancillary infrastructure, and the upward extension of two additional storeys and associated external alterations and works to create a total of 71 residential units.


It was RESOLVED that application 23/00502/FPM be granted planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report.


The Committee considered a report on planning application 23/00502/FPM seeking planning permission for the change of use of ground floor retail unit (80 Queensway), first and second floor office units (58-80 Queensway) and Forum Chambers (all Use Class E) to residential use (Use Class C3) and all associated ancillary infrastructure, and the upward extension of two additional storeys and associated external alterations and works to create a total of 71 residential units.


The Officer explained the site comprises a three-storey row of shops and offices on the western side of Queensway, running from Queensway Chambers to the western turn onto The Forum. The ground floor is mostly made up of shops, whilst the upper floors comprise incidental storage space for the shop units and separate offices. Access is pedestrian only and can be taken from various points on Queensway and the Forum at ground floor level, as well as from the rear service yard at first floor level. The site is located within the town centre shopping area and the ground floor is a primary retail frontage. It is also located within Flood Zone 1 and The Town Centre Residential Parking Accessibility Zone. The Town Square Conservation Area lies immediately adjacent to the site to the south.


-        It was stated there would be a two storey upward extension and change of use to residential, which would be car-free with 49 cycle parking spaces and a £50 public transport voucher for each flat. Proposed plans, elevations and CGIs of the development were shown.

-        It was stated that noise issues had been resolved subject to conditions which will be agreed with the chair.

Members queried what would the size of the flats be, officers explained they would be comparable to the flats that are in Stevenage, and they would all meet or exceed Government standards. Disabled parking was queried if any provision would be needed. It was explained there was no policy requirement but this had been considered and due to the site’s location within the Town Centre there would be a number of existing disabled parking bays in the area. The Committee questioned whether a light study had been carried out and whether there would an impact on Queensway. Officers stated there would be a slight improvement due to the changes in the canopy.


It was RESOLVED application 23/00502/FPM be granted planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report:


O1. A cash contribution of £126,646 towards the provision of a new primary school within the town centre.


O2. A cash contribution of £76,000 towards the provision of affordable housing within the Borough.


O3. The provision of £50 worth of public transport vouchers for every flat within the development.


O4. The provision of an employment and skills plan to secure work and apprenticeships for residents of the Borough.


O5. Monitoring fees as required to cover the cost of administering the above obligations. Conditions General Conditions


C1. The development to which this permission relates shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans: 1294.11.001 1294.11.002 1294.11.010 1294.11.011 1294.11.012 1294.11.013 1294.11.100 Rev B 1294.11.101 Rev B 1294.11.102 Rev A 1294.11.103 Rev A 1294.11.104 Rev A Page 80 - 27 - 1294.11.105 Rev A 1294.11.200 1294.11.201 Rev A 1294.11.202 1294.11.300 v A


C2. The development to which this permission relates shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. REASON: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).


C3. No demolition, construction or maintenance activities audible at the boundary and no deliveries of construction and demolition materials shall be undertaken outside the hours 07:30 hours to 18:00 hours Monday to Friday and 08:00 hours to 13:00 hours on Saturdays. For the avoidance of doubt, no such activity shall take place on Sundays or Bank Holidays, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


C4. Any external lighting installed at the site shall be angled so as to avoid any spillage beyond the site boundaries unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



C5. In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified, it must be reported in writing immediately to the local planning authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken and where remediation is necessary, a remediation scheme must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a verification report must be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


C6. The development to which this permission relates shall be carried out in accordance with Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy revision 4, prepared by Delta Simons and dated 26 January 2023 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


C7. The development to which this permission relates shall be carried out in accordance with Energy and Water Statement revision B, prepared by Create Consulting Engineers Ltd and dated February 2023 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


C8. Prior to the commencement of the development to which this permission relates (including site clearance and demolition) until a construction management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the construction of the development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved plan. The construction management plan shall include details of the following: a) Construction vehicle numbers, type, routing; b) Access arrangements to site; c) Traffic and pedestrian management requirements; d) Construction and storage compounds (including areas designated for car parking, loading / unloading and turning areas); e) Siting and details of wheel washing facilities; f) Cleaning of site entrances, site tracks and the adjacent public highway; g) Timing of construction activities (including delivery times and removal of waste); h) Provision of sufficient on-site parking prior to commencement of construction activities; i) Post construction restoration/reinstatement of the working areas and temporary access to the public highway; j) Where works cannot be contained wholly within the site, a plan should be submitted showing the site layout on the highway including extent of hoarding, pedestrian routes and remaining road width for vehicle movements; k) A Site Waste Management Plan including mechanisms to deal with environmental impacts such as air quality and dust control measures, noise and vibration restriction measures, light and odour and predicted and latterly actual waste arisings and how this is to be managed and where it is sent to. l) Dust control measures during demolition and construction from plant and machinery, and vehicles.


C9. Prior to the commencement of the development to which this permission relates (excluding site clearance and demolition), a report containing a survey of the existing surface water drainage network, any faults identified in said system, and a timeline of any necessary maintenance or replacement, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved report.


C10. No development shall take place above slab level until a schedule and samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces and hard landscaping of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and permanently retained as such thereafter.


C11. No development shall take place above slab level until details of the cycle parking facilities have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full prior to beneficial occupation of the development and permanently retained as such thereafter.


C12. No development shall take place above slab level until details of swift bricks to be provided within the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


C13. Prior to the installation of the green roofs, detailed design drawings and calculations of storage volumes and discharge rates shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The green roofs shall then be installed in accordance with the approved details.


C14. Prior to the beneficial occupation of the development to which this permission relates, the refuse stores as shown on the approved plans shall be provided in full. The stores shall be permanently retained as such thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


C15. Prior to the beneficial occupation of the development to which this permission relates, a travel plan statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved plan shall then be implemented in accordance with the timetable contained therein and shall continue to be implemented as long as any part of the development is occupied. REASON: To ensure that sustainable travel options associated with the development are promoted and maximised.


C16. Prior to the beneficial occupation of the development to which this permission relates, noise mitigation measures shall be installed in accordance with a scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved measures shall thereafter be permanently retained in full unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


Supporting documents: