Agenda item

23/00393/FPM AND 23/00350/S106 - UNIT 7B, ROARING MEG RETAIL PARK

To consider the external alterations and insertion of mezzanine floorspace (ref. 23/00393/FPM) and the Variation of Section 106 agreement dated 4 December 2014 (ref. 23/00350/S106).


It was RESOLVED: That the applications 23/00393/FPM and 23/00350/S106 be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report and the amended wording of Condition 3 set out in the Addendum Report, and that the modification of Obligation 5 of the Third Schedule of Section 106 Agreement dated 4 December 2014, as set out in Paragraph 9.1 of the report, be agreed.



The Committee considered a report in respect of application 23/00393/FPM and 23/00350/S106 seeking external alterations and insertion of a mezzanine floorspace and the variation of S106 agreement dated 4 December 2014.


The Principal Planning Officer informed Members that Sports Direct was looking to locate their main store and their fashion store USC from the town centre. As Sports Direct sells bulky goods and sports items, they could occupy the space without planning permission, however as they also want to include USC, this was not in line with the original bulky goods restriction for the retail park, so it came to Committee for permission. They were also seeking planning permission to increase the sales area with a new mezzanine floor which included minor changes to the glazing and cladding. These were separate applications that they were taking together but voting on separately. The applicant had also submitted a retail impact assessment which deemed that there was no impact on the vitality and viability of the town centre, there were no other suitable sites in the town centre, and it complied with the relevant retail policies.


A Member expressed concerns that this was a loss of trade for the town centre. It was advised that Sports Direct could occupy the unit without needing to vary the terms of the retail park. They had also completed a retail impact assessment and it wouldn’t lead to an adverse impact on the town centre.


It was RESOLVED: That the applications 23/00393/FPM and 23/00350/S106 be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report and the amended wording of Condition 3 set out in the Addendum Report, and that the modification of Obligation 5 of the Third Schedule of Section 106 Agreement dated 4 December 2014, as set out in Paragraph 9.1 of the report, be agreed.




1.    The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 2264-U7B-L01; 2264-U7B-X01; 2264-U7B-P01-A; 2264-U7B-P02-A; 2264-U7B-P03-A; 2264-U7B-X02-A


2.    The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


3.    The range of goods to be sold from the development shall be confined to retail warehousing of comparison goods to exclude expressly the sale of all foodstuffs for consumption off the premises, clothes and footwear (other than specifically for the playing of sport), or other fashion goods. Notwithstanding, Unit 7B hereby permitted may also be used for the same of clothing and footwear from up to a maximum sales area of 446m² (net) and the sale of athleisure, and other clothing and footwear typically associated with a sports retailer. The extended range of goods may only be sold on the basis the floorspace is operated as a single unit.


4.    Unit 7B hereby permitted, including any mezzanine floor, shall only operate as one unit with internal connections maintained, as indicated on drawing no. 2264-U7B-P01-A Proposed Ground Floor Plan.


5.    The mezzanine floorspace hereby permitted shall at no time be utilised as an independent retail unit.


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