Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/01/2022 - Planning and Development Committee (Item 5.)

5. 21/01101/FP - 303 RIPON ROAD, STEVENAGE pdf icon PDF 458 KB

To consider the conversion of 1 no. 4 bedroom dwelling to 3 no. studios, single storey front and rear extensions and conversion of garage including the change of use from public amenity land to residential use and associated parking.


It was RESOLVED that application 21/01101/FP be refused planning permission for the following reasons:


1)    The proposed conversion of the 4 bedroom family dwelling to 3 no. 1 bedroom studios combined with the conversion of similar properties to HMOs or flats within Ripon Road would further erode the provision of family homes which are needed to create a balanced and sustainable community. The proposed development is therefore, contrary to Policies SP7 and HO9 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the NPPF (2021) and PPG.


2)  The proposed development would comprise the reduction of the private garden area to hardsurfacing to create surface parking combined with the front and rear extensions and the conversion of the property, including the garage to create 3 no. 1 bedroom studios would result in an overdevelopment of the site resulting in a detrimental impact to the character and appearance of the street scene of this part of Ripon Road. Therefore, the proposed development would be contrary to Policies SP8 and GD1 of Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the Council’s Design Guide SPD (2009), the NPPF (2021) and PPG.


3)  The proposed relocation of the existing street light would result in an area to the rear of the property which would not be properly illuminated and this would create an unwelcoming environment which could give rise to a fear of crime. Therefore, the proposed development would be contrary to Policies SP8 and GD1 of Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the Council’s Design Guide SPD (2009), the NPPF (2021) and PPG.