Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/05/2019 - Planning and Development Committee (Item 9.)


To consider the variation of condition 1 (Site Plan) attached to planning permission 18/00107/FP to amend access, parking and amenity area


The Committee considered an application for the variation of Condition 1 (Site Plan) attached to the Planning permission 18/00107/FP to amend access and parking layout.


The Development Manager gave an introduction to the Committee. Members were informed that when considering applications of this type, local planning authorities are entitled to consider only the question of the conditions to which planning permission should be granted and must leave the original permission intact. Since the other conditions imposed on the original granted planning permission for this development remain relevant, the only issue for consideration in the determination of this application is how the variation of the condition referred to above would impact on the approved scheme and whether any additional conditions are warranted. The Committee was advised that the main issues for consideration in the determination of this application were the acceptability of the changes to the scheme in respect of the visual amenities of the area, highway safety and car parking provision, as permitted under the original grant of planning permission.


It was confirmed that no objections had been received at the time of drafting the report. The Development Manager informed Members that some of the Sycamore trees that were earmarked for removal were not in good health and that the planting of replacement trees would be acceptable.


The reasons for the amendments were as follows:


·         Accessing the parking provision through the site rather than via Fairlight Close so as to reduce conflict with vulnerable residents who occupied bungalows at the rear

·         Locating the bin store to the side of the property rather than the front

·         Replacement of tandem parking to front with two demarked bays to improve the usefulness of the parking provision to the front

·         Parking bays to the rear of the property to provide level access into the property

·         Southern boundary treatment to be set in from the site boundary to allow a verge along Fairlight Close, opening up access to properties at the rear and improving visibility for using this access

·         Removal of the dilapidated wall and serrated railings between the two properties thereby opening up the site

·         Co-locating the electrical intakes at the rear of the site to allow for easier installation and ongoing maintenance access


The Committee was advised that the proposal would have an acceptable impact on the character and appearance of the area and the Old Town Conservation Area within which the site lies. The proposed scheme would adversely affect the operation or safety of the local highway network and would result in an over-provision of parking.


It was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 17047wd2.01J, 17047wd2.02B, 17047wd2.03C, 17047wd2.05, 17047su1.01A, 17047su1.02, 17047su1.03, 17047su1.04A.


2.         The materials to be used in the construction of the development hereby permitted shall be as previously agreed under ref 18/00759/COND.


3          Prior to the first occupation of the dwellings hereby permitted the parking spaces and turning facilities  ...  view the full decision text for item 9.