Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/05/2019 - Planning and Development Committee (Item 8.)


To consider the demolition of existing office building and associated works and erection of new office building including the recladding of the existing factory building facade and associated works including landscaping, car parking and cycle parking


The Committee considered the application for the demolition of existing office building and associated works and erection of new office building including the cladding the recladding of the existing factory building façade and associated works including landscaping, car parking and cycle parking.


The Development Manager gave an introduction to the Committee and drew attention to the revised Condition 17. Members noted that the application was required to be considered by the Committee as it was classed as a major application.


He advised that the development for replacement offices represented an acceptable use in the Gunnels Wood employment area and was in accordance with the Council’s employment policies. He also confirmed that the proposal represented a high quality development which, being located toward Gunnels Wood Road and using high quality materials and glazing, would create a statement building. The Development Manager went on to confirm the proposal would not harm residential amenity or the existing operating conditions of nearby businesses. With regard to highway safety and car parking, the Officer confirmed that no additional car parking was proposed to serve the building and the additional floorspace created. He advised that in a highly sustainable location such as this zero car parking accorded with the Council’s adopted standards. With regard to highway safety, the Development Manager confirmed that Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) as Highway Authority were raising no objection, but had requested financial contributions of £6,000.00 toward the evaluation and monitoring of the Travel Plan submitted with the application and £24,000.00 to upgrade the bus stop to the front of the site. He confirmed that the applicant had agreed to pay these contributions. With regard to the request of HCC for an additional contribution of £33,860.00 toward further sustainable development projects, the Officer advised that as the requirement was based on only limited increased traffic movements to and from the site, and HCC were not objecting to the proposal on highway safety grounds, this request was unreasonable and failed the tests as set out in the NPPF for seeking s106 obligations.


Members welcomed redevelopment plans at Airbus Defence and Space. The Committee expressed concerns that HCC was asking some developers to upgrade bus stops without insisting on improvements to bus services. Officers reassured the Committee that SBC had raised the issue of improving bus services in meetings with HCC.


It was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the applicant having first entered into and completed a unilateral undertaking under S106 of The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure financial contributions towards:-


           Improvements to the bus stop to the front of the site;

           Monitoring and evaluation of the Travel Plan;


The detail of which is to be delegated to the Assistant Director of Planning and Regulation in liaison with the Council’s appointed Solicitor and subject to the following conditions:-


1.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


AIR001/007, AIR-BDP-XX-XX-DR-L-99-1003 P4, AIR-BDP-XX-XX-DR-L-99-1001 P06, AIR-BDP-XX-00-DR-A-99-1001 P05, AIR-BDP-XX-01-DR-A-99-1001 P05, AIR-BDP-XX-02-DR-A-99-1001 P05, AIR-BDP-XX-03-DR-A-99-1001  ...  view the full decision text for item 8.