Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/05/2019 - Planning and Development Committee (Item 5.)

5. 18/00740/FPM - 12 NORTH ROAD, STEVENAGE pdf icon PDF 255 KB

To consider an application for the construction of three and four storey building to comprise 21no. one and two bed flats with associated parking, landscaping, bin and cycle stores, and new vehicular access


The Committee considered an application for the construction of three and four storey building to comprise 21no. one and two bed flats with associated parking, landscaping, bin and cycle stores and new vehicular access. Members noted that the application was required to be considered by Committee as the council was the applicant and landowner.


The Principal Planning Officer gave an introduction to the Committee and drew attention to revised condition 1. She advised that the main issues for consideration in the determination of this application were the acceptability of development in land use policy terms, affordable housing provision and s106 contributions, design, scale and the impact on the character and appearance of the area, amenity of neighbours, amenity of occupiers, landscaping and trees, access and parking, waste, noise drainage and climate change. It was noted that the proposed development was at the site of a former residential care home.


The Chair invited Mr Chris Hughes, an objector to address the Committee.  Mr Hughes’s objections related to scale and height of the building, parking, highway safety, loss of privacy and appearance and design. The Chair thanked Mr Hughes and then invited the Assistant Director (Housing Development), on behalf of the applicant, to address the Committee.


The Assistant Director (Housing Development) informed the Committee that the proposal was considered to be in a sustainable location and the scheme had been amended to address the concerns of adjoining occupiers with the height being reduced and the orientation of some windows had been adjusted to address loss of privacy. He also advised that this development was required to help fund the development at Shephall Way and Scarborough Avenue which were delivering 100% affordable housing. He also confirmed that the building’s designers had used the latest available maps and technology and therefore the details on the proposed plans were accurate.


The Principal Planning Officer advised Members that Condition 1 had been amended in response to feedback regarding plans for the bin and cycle stores. She highlighted that the site was on land classified as previously developed. The Principal Planning Officer indicated that the windfall site met criteria set out in Policy H05 of the adopted local plan. The Committee was informed that there would be no affordable housing on site. The six unit affordable housing provision as required by Policy H07 of the adopted local plan would be provided at Shephall Way (application ref: 19/00197/FP) or Scarborough Avenue (application ref: 19/00136/FPM). The Principal Planning Officer clarified that the adopted 2019 Local Plan did not specify housing density standards.


The Officer informed Members that the proposed new vehicular access was considered acceptable in principle and that the proposal was considered to be in a sustainable location. The height of the rear element of the building and the orientation of some windows had been adjusted to address loss of privacy and light issues raised by the occupiers of 28 Daltry Road to the rear. Members were informed that the parking provision was within HCC guidelines. The building  ...  view the full decision text for item 5.