Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/05/2019 - Planning and Development Committee (Item 4.)

4. 19/00136/FPM - 145 SCARBOROUGH AVENUE, STEVENAGE pdf icon PDF 240 KB

To consider the erection of 29no one, two and three bedroom flats over a semi-basement car park with associated landscaping


The Committee considered an application for the erection of 29no. one, two and three bedroom flats over a semi-basement car park with associated landscaping. The development is at the site of a former ‘Annex’ community centre on Scarborough Avenue. The application was before the Committee as the Council was the applicant and landowner and this was classed as a major development.


The Principal Planning Officer gave an introduction to the Committee. The Principal Planning Officer drew attention to revised conditions 1, 12 and 16 and additional conditions 22 and 23. She advised that the main issues for consideration in the determination of this application were the acceptability of development in land use policy terms, affordable housing provision and s106 contributions, design, scale and the impact on the character and appearance of the area, amenity of occupiers, landscaping and trees, access and parking, waste, noise, drainage and climate change.


The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that whilst this was a Council-led scheme and the development is to be 100% affordable, to safeguard the delivery of affordable housing should circumstances change, it should be recommended that, a minimum, 25% of the units are required to be affordable. A s106 agreement was recommended to secure affordable housing and contributions toward primary and secondary education, sustainable transport improvements, improvement of children’s plays pace and outdoor sports provision. The Committee was advised that development would provide 35 unallocated car park spaces and 30 cycle parking spaces. The car park spaces would be one short of the parking requirement for a development of this nature. However, the cark park space provision was deemed satisfactory subject to the condition of one additional disabled car park space.  It was indicated that an additional condition had been added to reflect flood risk measures. 


Members sought clarification on public transport provision for the area, location of bin stores and the front to front separation distance between the proposed building and neighbouring properties. In her response, the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that HCC had requested £16,000 for the upgrading of bus stops adjacent to the site. Members were informed that HCC had the remit of negotiating bus service arrangements with providers. The Council had raised with HCC the issues of improving bus service around the site. The location of the bin store on the western boundary was not ideal but would be convenient for future occupiers and the Council’s waste operatives’ requirements. However, a condition would be imposed to require details to be submitted for consideration. The separation distance from the nearest corner of the proposed building to the front elevations of the properties would measure approximately 25m and this was considered to be acceptable. It was pointed out that since the Design Guide did not specify distances for front to front relationships, separation distances were assessed on a case-by-case basis.  


It was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the applicant having first entered into and completed a S106 legal agreement to secure/provide financial contributions towards:-


•  ...  view the full decision text for item 4.