Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/05/2019 - Council (Item 6)


To elect the Leader of the Council to serve for a four year period 2019-2023 (subject to the post-holder remaining a Member of the Council).


On appointment the Leader is required to appoint a Deputy Leader and an Executive of between 2 and 9 Councillors and allocate to them specific areas of responsibility.  The Leader may also address other Executive delegations.


It was moved, seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor Sharon Taylor OBE CC be appointed Leader of the Council for 2019-2023.


In her speech of thanks Councillor Taylor informed the Council that Councillor Mrs Joan Lloyd would be the Deputy Leader and that she would also be the Portfolio Holder for Resources.


The other Members of the Executive and their Portfolios would be as follows:


·                Councillor Mrs Joan Lloyd – Resources

·                Councillor Jackie Hollywell –  Communities, Community Safety and Equalities

·                Councillor Richard Henry – Children, Young People and Leisure

·                Councillor John Gardner – Environment and Regeneration

·                Councillor Lloyd Briscoe – Economy, Enterprise and Transport

·                Councillor Rob Broom – Neighbourhoods and Co-operative Working

·                Councillor Jeannette Thomas –Housing, Health and Older People




It was moved, seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor Sharon Taylor OBE CC be appointed Leader of the Council for 2019-2023.


In her speech of thanks Councillor Taylor informed the Council that Councillor Mrs Joan Lloyd would be the Deputy Leader and that she would also be the Portfolio Holder for Resources.


The other Members of the Executive and their Portfolios would be as follows:


              Councillor Mrs Joan Lloyd – Resources

              Councillor Jackie Hollywell – Communities, Community Safety and Equalities

              Councillor Richard Henry – Children, Young People and Leisure

              Councillor John Gardner – Environment and Regeneration

              Councillor Lloyd Briscoe – Economy, Enterprise and Transport

              Councillor Rob Broom – Neighbourhoods and Co-operative Working

              Councillor Jeannette Thomas – Housing, Health and Older People


Councillor Taylor thanked the now retired former councillor Ralph Raynor, who had represented St Nicholas Ward, and had served as Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise and Transport. The Leader also paid tribute to Scott Crudgington (former SBC Chief Executive), the Senior Leadership Team, Gill Harrison (Leader’s PA) and Member Services officers.