Decision details


Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Mayor informed the Council that due to the change in venue for this meeting he would be showing the film made by the pupils of Woolenwick School at the next meeting as part of the presentation on the Cultural Strategy.


The Mayor then informed the meeting that since the last meeting, he had undertaken a number of engagements in the town and referred to several highlights including attending a number of school leavers’ assemblies and the opening of Costco.


At this juncture, last year’s Mayor, Councillor Margaret Notley was invited to address the meeting. Cllr Notley was pleased to inform Council that the final figure for the amount raised for her Mayoral charities had increased to £15,804.24. She thanked all those who had supported the charities during her Mayoral Year.


Publication date: 29/07/2019

Date of decision: 24/07/2019

Decided at meeting: 24/07/2019 - Council