Declarations of interest for agenda item 'APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST'
- Graham Lawrence CC - Personal - Councillors Teresa Callaghan and Graham Lawrence CC declared interests in Item 3 and 4 relating to Land North of Stevenage, off North Road and Weston Road, Stevenage, as they were both Members of the Friends of Forster Country. Councillor Lawrence also stated that, along with other Woodfield Ward Members, he had attended a meeting with Friends of Forster Country at which the application had been discussed, but had not participated in any debate and had only listened to what had been said. Both Members remained in the meeting and took part in the deliberation and vote on the item.
- Teresa Callaghan - Personal - Councillors Teresa Callaghan and Graham Lawrence CC declared interests in Item 3 and 4 relating to Land North of Stevenage, off North Road and Weston Road, Stevenage, as they were both Members of the Friends of Forster Country. Councillor Lawrence also stated that, along with other Woodfield Ward Members, he had attended a meeting with Friends of Forster Country at which the application had been discussed, but had not participated in any debate and had only listened to what had been said. Both Members remained in the meeting and took part in the deliberation and vote on the item.