Declarations of interest for agenda item 'APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST'
- Graham Lawrence CC - Non Pecuniary - In respect of Item 4 on the agenda – 22/00902/ENF: Tranquil Turtle, Councillor Graham Lawrence wished it to be noted that the Tranquil Turtle was located in the Division (Old Stevenage) he represented on Hertfordshire County Council.
- Maureen McKay - Non Pecuniary - In respect of Item 4 on the agenda – 22/00902/ENF: Tranquil Turtle, Councillor Maureen McKay and Myla Arceno stated that there were also Members of the Licensing Panel which would be meeting in March 2023 to consider an application for a variation of the premises licence relating to the Tranquil Turtle. They advised that they would only be considering the Planning aspects of the matter at this Planning & Development Committee meeting.
- Michael Downing - Non Pecuniary - In respect of Item 4 on the agenda – 22/00902/ENF: Tranquil Turtle, Councillor Michael Downing (Chair) advised that he had met with residents objecting to the unauthorised structure on various occasions, including at Member surgeries for the Ward he represented (Symonds Green). He announced that he had listened to the views expressed, but had not offered any opinions on the matter, and that he would be considering the issue with an open mind.