Issue - decisions



In accordance with her Disclosable Pecuniary Interest made at the commencement of the meeting, Councillor S-J Potter withdrew from the meeting for the duration of this item.


The Council received a presentation from the Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise and Transport (Councillor Ralph Raynor), County Councillor Derrick Ashley and Rebecca Cox (Living Streets) on “Connected Stevenage – An Integrated Transport Strategy”.


In response to an issue raised by a Member, the Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise and Transport undertook to provide a written response on the current position on the idea of extending the Old Town High Street into the New Town.


After a full debate, it was moved, seconded and RESOLVED that


Stevenage Borough Council work with residents, businesses and partners to develop and agree asustainable transport vision for Stevenage leading to the preparation of an Integrated Transport Strategy, connecting residents and businesses with a range of opportunities, and working cooperatively with communities across all neighbourhoods to create living streets that local people can enjoy.  Stevenage has a proud history, and the creation of the New Town incorporated sustainable infrastructure in the form of dedicated cycle tracks, a network of local bus routes, streets and squares for residents to enjoy.  We will work together with partners to make the most of the outstanding connectivity that has been so important to the success of the town.   This Vision will be supported by an action plan and funding strategy, to attract external funding to benefit the economy of the town and bring real benefits to Stevenage people.