Issue - decisions


05/08/2024 - NOTICE OF MOTIONS

Code of Conduct


Councillor Phil Bibby moved a motion concerning the Code of Conduct.


The motion was not seconded and therefore was not debated.


New Labour Government


Councillor Richard Henry moved and Councillor Sandra Barr seconded the following motion


“On 4th July, 2024, after 14 years of disastrous, draconian and divisive Conservative government, the country chose change.  It chose hope.  It chose Labour.

The people of Stevenage also chose Labour and, for the first time in 14 years, the Stevenage constituency will have an MP worthy of the title.  Kevin Bonavia will reset the expectations of what a good local MP should be: one who works full time for Stevenage; one who works with the local authorities in his constituency, not against them; one who is accessible and accountable to local people.

We congratulate Kevin Bonavia on his election.  He is one of 411 Labour MPs in the House of Commons who, with Sir Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, a talented front bench team and a clear mandate, will bring the change and stability that the people of this country want and need.

We also congratulate the former Leader of the Council, Baroness Taylor of Stevenage, on her appointment as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department of Housing, Community & Local Government.

The new Government has hit the ground running.  In the King’s Speech on 17th July, the Government set out its priorities.  They are ambitious and diverse priorities.  In particular, those that affect Stevenage Borough Council directly include:

·         A Renters’ Rights Bill that will abolish Section 21 “no-fault evictions” and empower tenants to challenge rent increases “designed to force them out by the back door”.

·          Respect orders – a revamped form of Asbos – will give police powers to place restrictions on adults to tackle anti-social behaviour.

·         A Planning and Infrastructure Bill to speed up the planning process and planning committees will be modernised, with resources to do their jobs.

·         A commitment to housing – including social and affordable housing.

·         A devolution bill for England,

·         An Employment Rights bill, recognising that Labour values workers’ rights.

·         Nationalisation of our railways.

The Labour Manifesto, published prior to the general election, gave commitments that a Labour Government would work collaboratively with local government. The manifesto emphasises the importance of stable funding, decision-making flexibility, and partnership with local leaders and communities to drive growth and provide essential services.  The King’s Speech has opened the door to that collaboration, and, in Stevenage, we warmly welcome it.


This Council resolves that:

1.    We look forward to a collaborative relationship with the newly elected Labour MP and Government to meet the Council ambitions for housing, growth and regeneration, and for the benefit of the people of Stevenage.

2.    The Leader of the Council writes to Kevin Bonavia, MP for Stevenage, congratulating him on his election to Parliament and that SBC looks forward to a close working relationship.

3.    The Leader of the Council writes to Baroness Taylor of Stevenage upon becoming Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department of Housing, Community & Local Government and wishes her every success with her new role.

Following debate, and upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.