Issue - decisions


26/05/2023 - ELECTION OF MAYOR

The Mayor was saddened to hear of the recent passing of former Councillor John Gardner, who had served as an SBC Member for the Roebuck Ward between 1998 and May 2023, including being Deputy leader of the Council between 2006 and 2018. 


A number of other Members spoke in tribute to former Councillor Gardner, following which the Council stood to observe a minute’s silence.


The Mayor then gave a speech thanking the Council for a wonderful year in office.


The Mayor asked for nominations for the Office of Mayor for 2023/24.


Councillor Richard Henry nominated Councillor Myla Arceno for the Office of Mayor.


The nomination was seconded by Councillor Lloyd Briscoe.


There being no other nominations, a vote was taken and it was RESOLVED that Councillor Myla Arceno be elected as Mayor for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.


Councillor Myla Arceno then made the statutory declaration of office.


The Mayor announced that her son John Arceno would be the Mayor’s Consort for 2023/24.


The Mayor thanked the Council for her election, and gave an inaugural speech, including the announcement that her chosen charities for the year would be the Douglas Drive Day Care Centre, The Red Shed, Hertwise and

Stevenage World Forum.