Issue - decisions



The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Phil Bibby, asked the following question:


“How many SBC owned commercial properties in the town were currently unoccupied?”


The Leader of the Council undertook to provide a written answer to Councillor Bibby regarding this matter, which would be copied to all other Members.


The Leader of the Council, supported by the Executive Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise & Transport, congratulated officers for their role in organising the  successful recent Old Town Live Music event.


The Council then received updates from the relevant Executive Portfolio Holders on the following matters:


·        Itrinergy;

·        Stevenage in the rankings;

·        Railways;

·        Paperless working on Committees;

·        Woman of the Year Award and Housing Heroes Award;

·        New Homes to be built and derelict land transformed;

·        Stevenage Against Domestic Abuse (SADA) nominated for Municipal Journal Award; and

·        COP26.


The Leader of the Opposition asked what the plans were for the Council’s Member Climate Change Working Group, which had not met for a number of months?


The Leader of the Council replied that there was a Climate Change update report being submitted to the Executive on 20 October 2021, part of which was to consider a way forward, including engagement with the Environment & Economy Select Committee and Climate Change Citizens’ Panel.  The outcome would be reported back to Members, including the future role of the Member Working Group.