The Committee considered a report in respect of the final report and recommendations of the Sports and Leisure Scrutiny Review. Members’ attention was drawn to the revised Officer assessment of the recommendations in the light of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which had been circulated as a supplementary agenda.
In response to a Member’s concern regarding the introductory paragraph on the reasoning for the revised Officer assessment of the recommendations, officers confirmed that, whilst a number of these were clearly due to the Covi-19 pandemic, a number of others (such as the cost subsidy items) were within the context of 10 years of Local Government financial cuts and would have been included regardless of the pandemic.
The Chair conducted a vote on the above matter, the outcome being that the revised Officer assessment of the Review recommendations, as set out in the supplementary agenda document, was accepted.
In relation to Members’ questions, officers responded as follows:
· Recommendation 4.13 – Cycle Hub – it was confirmed that a new Community Interest Company (involving members of Stevenage CTC) had been established and would, at a future date to be determined, take over the running of the Hub; and
· Recommendation 4.1 – Leisure Management procurement position – it was likely that a Portfolio Holder Advisory Group meeting would be held in early 2021 to commence this process, in order to consider how service would be delivered from 2023. Wider consultation with a variety of other groups would take place, including the leisure community, young people and other stakeholders. Part of this would allow consideration to be given to potential capital projects to deliver new leisure facilities.
In respect of Recommendation 4.4 – Aqua Park, and following contributions from a number of Members, it was noted that a new Aqua Park had opened in Welwyn Garden City (WGC). The SBC Aqua Park was currently closed, and so the impact on its use once it re-opened of the new one in WGC would be difficult to forecast. However, it was acknowledged that the SBC facility had free parking, whilst there was a parking charge associated with the use of the WGC facility.
It was RESOLVED that the revised Officer assessment of the Sports and Leisure Scrutiny Review recommendations, as set out in the supplementary agenda document, be accepted.