Agenda item


(i)        Luton Airport Expansion


To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Robin Parker, CC:


“That Council notes that:

In view of the impact on Stevenage and our recent declaration of a climate emergency, this Council opposes the further expansion of Luton Airport.”


(ii)       Animal Welfare


“Stevenage Borough Council takes animal welfare seriously.


The Council notes the campaign to ban the release of sky lanterns and balloons supported by the RSPCA, the Marine Conservation Society, National Farmers Union and other national wildlife bodies, as both have been shown to be unsafe for animals and the environment and can cause injury, suffering and death by ingestion, entanglement and entrapment.


The Council also acknowledges that extensive use of high decibel fireworks can cause distress to both residents and their animals. A number of councils across the UK are seeking consultation from citizens on proposals from the RSPCA to further limit the permitted sales days and for all public firework displays to be licensed.


The Council also notes and welcomes the enactment of the Wild Animals in Circuses Act which bans the use of Wild Animals in Circuses in England, and came into force at the start of this month (January 2020).


In addition, the Council extends our support to the police and local animal welfare organisations for the full enforcement of the law around animal welfare, which in Hertfordshire includes illegal hare coursing, dog fighting and other wildlife and animal crimes.


Stevenage Borough Council is keen to continue progress on issues of animal welfare and request officers to look into the feasibility of the introduction of policies relating to:


·         The release of sky lanterns and helium balloons from council land and property


·         The timing and licencing of fireworks displays”




(i)            Luton Airport Expansion


Councillor Robin Parker moved and Councillor Stephen Booth seconded a motion as follows:


“In view of the impact on Stevenage and our recent declaration of a climate emergency, this Council opposes the further expansion of Luton Airport.”


An amendment was moved by Councillor Lloyd Briscoe and seconded by Councillor John Gardner and upon being put to the vote was carried.


Following further debate, the substantive motion was then put to the vote and carried as follows:


“In view of our recent declaration of a climate emergency, the considerable detrimental impact on Stevenage resulting from over-flying and also taking into account the opportunities that Luton Airport provides, this Council opposes further expansion of Luton Airport unless sufficient mitigation is secured and that expansion can be proved to have a net zero carbon impact.  The assessment of this impact must include a complete assessment of the additional traffic generated both by passengers and users of the airport itself and the travel to work of staff employed at the airport.


This Council also requires reassurance from Luton Airport on the emergency procedures relating to ‘fuel dumping’ which arise from the recent incident in Los Angeles.


This Council will continue to raise concerns about noise, environmental impact, aviation carbon levels in the South East, and transport connectivity in our representations on the forthcoming Planning Application to be considered by the Planning Inspector.”



(ii)          Animal Welfare


Councillor Jackie Hollywell moved and Councillor Sharon Taylor seconded a revised motion which had been circulated around the Chamber.


Following discussion, Councillor Hollywell agreed to accept a further revision to the motion to replace ‘silent fireworks’ with ‘low noise fireworks’.


Following further debate, the revised motion was then put to the vote and carried as follows:


“Stevenage Borough Council takes animal welfare seriously and pledges to work with partners to ensure that we do all we can within our Borough to protect animals from harm and to encourage the highest standards of animal welfare.


The Council notes the campaign to ban the release of sky lanterns and balloons supported by the RSPCA, the Marine Conservation Society, National Farmers Union and other national wildlife bodies, as both have been shown to be unsafe for animals and the environment and can cause injury, suffering and death by ingestion, entanglement and entrapment.


The Council also acknowledges that extensive use of high decibel fireworks can cause distress to both residents and their animals. A number of councils across the UK are seeking consultation from citizens on proposals from the RSPCA to further limit the permitted sales days and for all public firework displays to be licensed.


The Council also notes and welcomes the enactment of the Wild Animals in Circuses Act which bans the use of Wild Animals in Circuses in England, and came into force at the start of this month (January 2020).


In addition, the Council extends our support to the police and local animal welfare organisations for the full enforcement of the law around animal welfare, which in Hertfordshire includes illegal hare coursing, dog fighting and other wildlife and animal crimes.


Stevenage Borough Council is keen to continue progress on issues of animal welfare and request officers to look into the feasibility of the introduction of policies relating to:  

·         The release of sky lanterns and helium balloons from council land and property


·         The timing and licencing of fireworks displays


·         Moving as quickly as possible to using low noise fireworks for our public fireworks display


·         Encouraging other organisations within the Stevenage Borough area organising fireworks displays to use low noise fireworks


·         Prohibiting the use of animals in circuses performing in the Stevenage Borough Council area


·         Working with our partners in the Police and animal welfare organisations to support the enforcement of the hunting ban, illegal hare coursing and dog fighting as well as other wildlife and animal crimes




(iii)         A1M Smart Motorway


Councillor Lloyd Briscoe moved and Councillor Sharon Taylor seconded an urgent motion which following debate and upon being put to the vote was carried in the following terms:


“That this Council notes with growing concern the issues being raised relating to the safety of ‘Smart Motorway’ systems. Most recently through a body of evidence exposed in the BBC Panorama programme screened on 27th January. 

This Council now believes there can be no justification for any further introduction of ‘Smart Motorway’ systems anywhere on UK roads.

In the light of emerging evidence, Council demands;

1.  An urgent review by the Secretary of State for Transport into the ‘Smart Motorway’ proposals for the A1(M) between Junctions 6 - 8.

2. That no implementation of ‘Smart Motorway’ on this stretch of the A1M be carried out while the urgent review takes place.

3. That alternative proposals for relieving congestion on the A1(M) be brought forward as quickly as possible.

4. That officers of the Council communicate this resolution to the Secretary of State with immediate effect.”