Agenda item


To consider the following Part I Decisions of the Executive taken on 10 July 2019.


Executive                                                                                                      Page No.




2          Minutes of the Executive – 12 June 2019                                     5

3          Minutes of the Overview & Scrutiny and Select Committees  11

4          4th Quarter Revenue Monitoring Report 2018/19 – General   21

            Fund and Housing Revenue Account

5          4th Quarter Capital Monitoring Report 2018/19 – General       39

            Fund and Housing Revenue Account

6          Gambling Act 2005 – Review of Statement of Principles         65

7          Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)                                           127

8          2018/19 Annual Report and Performance Overview                161

9          Procurement of a Principal Contractor at Symonds Green      211



The Committee considered the decisions on the following matters arising from the Executive held on 10 July 2019.


Minutes of the Executive – 12 June 2019


Minutes of the Overview & Scrutiny and Select Committees


4th Quarter Revenue Monitoring Report 2018/19 – General Fund and Housing Revenue Account


In response to a Member’s question the Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) outlined the policy for purchasing commercial properties.  There were different rules for local authorities to pension funds particularly relating to properties outside the geographic area of the individual Council.  Additionally the potential risks had to be considered. 


Members expressed concern regarding delays on the part of the External Auditor to complete the work on the Statement of Accounts.  The Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) explained that whilst there was no risk for SBC this would cause some problems and she anticipated that discussion would be necessary to renegotiate the fee.


4th Quarter Capital Monitoring Report 2018/2019 – General Fund and Housing Revenue Account


Richard Protheroe, the Interim Strategic Director, explained why it had been necessary to re-run the procurement process for the sprinkler systems as there had been a problem with the Procurement Framework whereby a bid had been received from a company that was not allowed to be included.  He stated that unfortunately this would delay the work for 2 to 3 months.


The Interim Strategic Director updated the progress on the boiler works for a number of Community Centres.  Members were of the view that the Council should not sign off on the works until the Community Centre Managers had confirmed that the boilers were working as they should.


In response to Members’ questions the Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) explained the Council benefited from providing grants to Registered Social Landlords as in return nomination rights were given for the individual schemes. 


Gambling Act 2005 – Review of Statement of Principles


The Committee concurred with the issues raised by the General Purposes Committee and the Executive regarding the submission of risk assessments and identifying what powers the Council had to limit the number of betting premises in the Borough.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)


Planning Policy Manager answered a number of Members’ questions on CIL and S.106 funding in relation to the Council and HCC.


She stated that the proposed post of CIL Officer would be funded by 5% of CIL monies local authorities are allowed to keep to administer CIL.


Regarding the level of the CIL rates, the Committee was informed that a number of developers had argued that the rates were too high, whereas both HCC and NHDC had questioned whether they were too low.  The next stage in the process was to submit the Charging Schedule for independent examination when the evidence base and the consultation responses were to be considered and the proposed CIL rates examined.


A Member queried the use by HCC of S.106 monies for the provision of Schools as he understood that local authorities could no longer build schools.  The Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) undertook to clarify what the process was.


2018/19 Annual Report and Performance Overview


Procurement of a Principal Contractor at Symonds Green


It was RESOLVED that the Part I decisions of the Executive are noted.

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