Agenda item


To consider the following Part I decisions of the Executive taken on 21 November 2018.


Executive Agenda Item No.                                                                       Page No.


2.         Minutes of the Executive – 3 October 2018                                5

3.         Minutes of Overview & Scrutiny Committee and                                   9

            Select Committees

4.         Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial               25
            Strategy (2018/19 – 2022/23) and Business Plan Update

5.         2018/19 Mid Year Treasury Management Review                   75

6.         Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)                            95

7.         Community Centres Review – Direction of Travel Report        143

8.         Smart Choices, Better Places: A Transport Strategy for            165



Notice of Decisions to follow.





This report had not been circulated to Members five clear days before the meeting nor had it been made available for public inspection.  The Chair determined however that given the short time left before the end of the call-in period on 30 November it be considered on this occasion.


Minutes – Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees


The Committee noted the comments of the Executive.


Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Strategy (2018/19 – 2047/48) and Business Plan Update


The Chief Executive gave a presentation to the Committee on the key aspects of the Housing Revenue Account 2018/19 – 2047/48.


In response to a question, the Chief Executive advised that although Government policies would change over the time, the 30 year plan was necessary from a financial modelling concept.


Concern was expressed regarding the recharge costs for leaseholders as a result of the Major Refurbishment Contract (MRC) for the Flat Blocks in the Town. Officers advised that calculations were being done and that estimates of the recharges would be made known to the leaseholders but would be dependent on the works required to the individual flat blocks. On average the estimated recharge would be a 10th of the cost of the works.


It was noted that the Council would no longer be limited to the borrowing cap that existed now but that the Council would have to be able to finance any debt it accrued.


2018/19 Mid-Year Treasury Management Review


The Chief Executive updated members on the Treasury Management activities and the effectiveness of the Treasury Management and Investment Strategy for 2018/19.


Members were pleased to note the change in the way of reporting on the level of reserves held by the Council and asked that this be used in all public documents in future as it was much clearer to understand.


In response to questions, the Chief Executive confirmed that all Investments detailed in Appendix B to the report were in Sterling. He also agreed to ask the Assistant Director (Finance and Estates) to confirm details of the Broker used by the Council and how much the Council spent on an annual basis on debt servicing.


Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)


The Planning Policy Manager informed Members of the key outcomes of the public consultation on the draft SCI.


It was noted that seven responses had been received by the Council mainly with general comments. A summary of the responses were provided for Members.


Members expressed disappointment with the level of responses but it was agreed that it was difficult to raise public interest if the subject did not personally affect them.


In response to a question, officers agreed to send out individual responses to those who had responded to the consultation.


Community Centres Review – Direction of Travel Report


The Community Development Manager reported on the first stage of the review of Council owned community centres operating across the Town.


Members were keen that the emphasis of the review should be to work co-operatively with the community associations rather than about the closure of community centres.


The officer confirmed that the consultation process would include 50% of the consultation events taking place in the evening. The consultation events would be publicised in a range of ways including leaflet drops and social media. Consideration would also be given to publicising via the Chronicle and in the local press.


Smart Choices, Better Places: A Transport Strategy for Stevenage


Members were provided with an update on progress made in preparing a Transport Strategy for Stevenage.


It was noted that there would be a change in title of the Strategy which would be agreed by the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise and Transport.


Members were pleased that the Strategy would soon be available and hoped that the issues raised relating to the state of the roads, footpaths and the status of cycleways would be addressed. It was also noted that individual responses from consultees would be responded to.


Supporting documents: