Agenda item


To consider the following Part 1 decisions of the Executive taken on 11 July 2018.


Executive Agenda Item No.                                                                     Page No.


2.         Minutes of the Executive of 4 April 2018                                     5

3.         Minutes of Overview and Scrutiny Committee and                   9

            Select Committees

4.         The Future of Fairlands Valley Farmhouse                                33

5.         4th Quarter Monitoring Revenue Report – General Fund       45

            and HRA 2017/18

6.         4th Quarter Monitoring Capital Report – General Fund and     63

HRA 2017/18

7.         Statement of Community Involvement                                         93

8.         Adoption of General Fund Asset Management Strategy          123

            and Action Plan

9.         2017/18 Annual Report and Performance Overview                179




This report had not been circulated to Members five clear days before the meeting nor had it been made available for public inspection.  The Chair determined however that given the short time left before the end of the call-in period on 20 July it be considered on this occasion.


Minutes – Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees


The Committee noted the comments of the Executive.


The Future of Fairlands Valley Farmhouse


Councillor M Gardner left the meeting for this item.


The Strategic Director (Tom Pike) requested that the Council’s appreciation for the work undertaken by the two community groups that had made bids for the property be recorded in the minutes and advised the Committee that full consideration had been given to those bids.


Members asked a number of detailed questions about the report which were answered by the Officer.


4th Quarter Monitoring Revenue Report – General Fund and HRA 2017/18


Members asked a number of questions about the recovery of Housing Benefit overpayments, overseas deposits and the impact of the introduction of Universal Credit which were answered by the Officer.


4th Quarter Monitoring Capital Report – General Fund and HRA 2017/18


In reply to a question concerning the repayment of £112,000 Right to Buy receipts to the Government the Committee was advised that all options had been considered and that repayment could be made early to avoid the accrual of extra interest charges.


Statement of Community Involvement


The Committee was advised that the consultation period for the draft Statement of Community Involvement had been extended to 8 weeks (from 4) at the request of the Executive to take into account any potential impact of the school holiday period.


In reply to a question concerning potential improvements resulting from the Statement, the Committee was advised that the Council was seeking to establish a proactive interaction with residents and to draw out comment early in any process.  The Council would also look to increase the use of social media.


A Member commented on the consultation process in planning applications and the Strategic Director (Tom Pike) invited the Member to raise those concerns outside of the meeting.


Adoption of General Fund Asset Management Strategy and Action Plan


In reply to a question concerning the valuations of the Council’s properties, the Committee was advised that the valuations shown reflected those listed in the Council’s Asset Register which would be presented to the Statement of Accounts Committee on 26 July.  It was noted that the valuation was not the potential sale value, rather the asset’s replacement cost or a measure of the income that it generated.


2017/18 Annual Report and Performance Overview


The Strategic Director (Matt Partridge) advised the Committee that the report had received a favourable reception from the Executive and that the Executive had requested a social media campaign highlighting the work of the Council.


In response to a Member request the Strategic Director (Matt Partridge) undertook to liaise with Hertfordshire Constabulary to determine the factors in the increase in the reporting of criminal damage.


The Committee requested that the performance table in the Annual Report be printed in black, rather than blue, in future.


In reply to a question concerning the circulation of the Annual Report the Committee was advised that the report was published on-line and the Strategic Director (Matt Partridge) undertook to clarify who received a copy.


It was RESOLVED that the following Part I decisions of the Executive are noted:


  • Minutes – Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees
  • The Future of Fairlands Valley Farmhouse
  • 4th Quarter Monitoring Revenue Report – General Fund and HRA 2017/18
  • 4th Quarter Monitoring Capital Report – General Fund and HRA 2017/18
  • Statement of Community Involvement
  • Adoption of General Fund Asset Management Strategy and Action Plan
  • 2017/18 Annual Report and Performance Overview


This report had not been circulated to Members five clear days before the meeting nor had it been made available for public inspection.  The Chair determined however that given the short time left before the end of the call-in period on 20 July it be considered on this occasion.


Minutes – Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees


The Committee noted the comments of the Executive.


The Future of Fairlands Valley Farmhouse


Councillor M Gardner left the meeting for this item.


The Strategic Director (Tom Pike) introduced the report and advised the Committee of the recent history of the Fairlands Valley Farmhouse from its use by the Digswell Arts Trust through to the two community group bids and the current position whereby the Council had received an earlier expression of interest for the freehold of the property from a third party commercial interest, prior to the Asset of Community Value process.


The Committee noted its appreciation for the work undertaken by the two community groups that had made bids for the property and acknowledged that the Council had given full consideration to those bids.


In reply to a question concerning the costs of retention of the property the Committee was advised that the most recent condition survey indicated that it would cost in the region of £630,000 to make the property good to a base standard, whereas to restore it to a condition where it could generate an income for the Council would probably cost between £1.5 to £2 million.  It was acknowledged that these costs would be prohibitive should the Council wish to enter into a joint venture with a third party given other priorities in the Council’s capital programme and Corporate Plan and major reductions in funding from government.


In reply to a further question the Committee was advised that any future use of the property would be dependent on the award of planning permission and that any proposed structural alterations to the building to provide, for example, improved accessibility, could be limited by its Grade 2 listing.


Other Members spoke in favour of the Executive’s decision to expedite the disposal of the property.


4th Quarter Monitoring Revenue Report – General Fund and HRA 2017/18


The Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) presented the report which updated Members on the outturn positions for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) together with an update on the Council’s balances and reserves.

In reply to questions concerning Housing Benefit overpayments the Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) advised the Committee of the processes involved and further advised the Committee that the Council was working proactively with the Joint Revenues and Benefits service to both reduce the potential for overpayment and to improve overpayment recovery rates.


With regard to the introduction of Universal Credit the Committee was advised that there were no signs of a deferral or reversal of the Governments policy and it was expected that Universal Credit would be introduced from October 2018.


In reply to a question concerning Council deposits held abroad it was confirmed that those amounts were held in sterling.


4th Quarter Monitoring Capital Report – General Fund and HRA 2017/18


The Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) presented the report which updated Members on the outturn position on the 2017/18 capital programme, the Council’s Capital Strategy and the actual 2017/18 Minimum Revenue Provision.


In reply to a question concerning the repayment of £112,000 Right to Buy receipts to the Government the Committee was advised that all options had been considered and that repayment could be made early to avoid the accrual of extra interest charges.


In reply to a further question it was confirmed that the cost shown at Appendix A of the report for Christmas lights was for the replacement of faulty units.


Statement of Community Involvement


The Strategic Director (Tom Pike) presented the report which provided an update on the progress in producing a revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).  It was acknowledged that whilst it was not a central government requirement to produce an SCI, the Council had found it beneficial to do so.


The Committee was advised that the consultation period for the draft SCI had been extended to 8 weeks (from 4) at the request of the Executive to take into account any potential impact of the school holiday period.


In reply to a question concerning potential improvements resulting from the Statement, the Committee was advised that the Council was seeking to establish a proactive interaction with residents and to draw out comment early in any process.  The Council would also look to increase the use of social media.


A Member commented on the consultation process in planning applications and the Strategic Director (Tom Pike) invited the Member to raise those concerns outside of the meeting.


Adoption of General Fund Asset Management Strategy and Action Plan


The Assistant Director (Finance & Estates) presented the report which sought the Executive’s approval to the adoption of a revised new General Fund Asset Management Strategy and Action Plan.


In reply to a question concerning the valuations of the Council’s properties, the Committee was advised that the valuations shown reflected those listed in the Council’s Asset Register which would be presented to the Statement of Accounts Committee on 26 July.  It was noted that the valuation was not the potential sale value, rather the asset’s replacement cost or a measure of the income that it generated.


2017/18 Annual Report and Performance Overview


The Strategic Director (Matt Partridge) presented the report and advised the Committee that it had received a favourable reception from the Executive.  He advised the Committee that the Executive had requested a social media campaign highlighting the work of the Council.


In response to a Member request the Strategic Director (Matt Partridge) undertook to liaise with Hertfordshire Constabulary to determine the factors behind the increase in the reporting of criminal damage between December 2017 and March 2018.


The Committee requested that the performance table shown at Appendix B be printed in black, rather than blue, in future.   Officers also agreed to amend column 9 of the table on page 228 of the Executive agenda that referred to March 2017.  It should read March 2018.


In reply to a question concerning the circulation of the Annual Report the Committee was advised that the report was published on line and the Strategic Director (Matt Partridge) undertook to clarify who received a hard copy.


It was RESOLVED that the following Part I decisions of the Executive are noted:


  • Minutes – Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees
  • The Future of Fairlands Valley Farmhouse
  • 4th Quarter Monitoring Revenue Report – General Fund and HRA 2017/18
  • 4th Quarter Monitoring Capital Report – General Fund and HRA 2017/18
  • Statement of Community Involvement
  • Adoption of General Fund Asset Management Strategy and Action Plan

·         2017/18 Annual Report and Performance Overview

Supporting documents: