To provide Cabinet with an overview of the action that Stevenage Borough Council is taking to address climate change.
The Cabinet was presented with a report and received a presentation from the Head of Climate Action which provided an overview of the measures the Council was implementing to address climate change. Specifically, the report detailed the most significant climate action efforts undertaken across the themes identified in the 2020 Climate Change Strategy.
The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Performance advised that Stevenage Borough Council, at local and county levels, was a leader in the work to mitigate climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He thanked his Cabinet colleagues for their collaborative working and in particular Councillor Barr, Portfolio Holder for Co-operative Council and Neighbourhoods for her very important street-level work on the Climate Change Community Fund (CCCF) Projects designed to support local residents in making positive environmental changes in their communities. Members recognised the importance of the Green Space Volunteers who could be instrumental in running CCCF projects and that the community engagement model followed by the Friends of Hampson Park could be adopted elsewhere in the Town.
Members were pleased to note the launch of the Stevenage Green Business Grant Scheme which assisted local businesses in adopting greener solutions. The report also highlighted a number of successes including the Beryl Bike Scheme, reducing emissions from the Council’s waste and recycling fleet and decarbonisation projects in the Council’s Housing Stock.
Members noted that Stevenage was relatively unique amongst District and Borough Councils in maintaining a Biodiversity Action Plan.
The Leader of the Council reported that he had been holding regular meetings with the Stevenage MP Kevin Bonavia who had given reassurance that he would be using his power and influence with Government to support delivery against this key local and national agenda item.
Members thanked the Head of Climate Action for his thorough and informative report and presentation.
1. That the progress in delivering the Stevenage Climate Change Strategy and action plan across the eight strategic areas, and delegating powers to the Portfolio Holder to make alterations following further engagement with other members be acknowledged.
2. That the Stevenage Biodiversity Action Plan 2024-2028, attached as Appendix 3, with a one-page summary in Appendix 4 and a neighbourhood breakdown in Appendix 5 be approved.
3. That the release of the Climate Change Action Plan tracker available at Stevenage Climate Action Plan (for further details, see 5.17 in Appendix 1) be noted.
4. That the updated national climate action context, especially the new UK Government’s climate priorities (further details in “Level 2 – UK National Climate Action” in Appendix 1), and SBC’s collaborative regional and countywide work be recognised.
5. That the launch of the Stevenage Green Business Grant Scheme to help local businesses implement greener solutions to reduce their carbon footprint (details in Appendix 1, “Level 6 – Stevenage Level” under “Businesses”) be noted.
6. That the implementation of the “Pathway 3 – People & Processes”, focusing on ways of working and service-related emissions, particularly the establishment of the Staff Climate Champions Group (details in Appendix 1, “Level 6 – Stevenage Level” under “People”) be noted.
Reason for Decision: As contained in the report.
Other Options considered:As contained in the report.
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