Agenda item


In accordance with Standing Orders, the following motions have been received for consideration:


1          Winter Fuel Allowance


To be moved by Councillor Phil Bibby:


Council Notes:

·         The Labour Government’s recent decision to restrict the Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits like Pension Credit, as announced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves.

·         The estimated impact of this decision, which Age UK says will mean 2 million pensioners who badly need the money to stay warm this winter will not receive it.

·         The significant role that Winter Fuel Payments play in helping older residents of Stevenage and across the UK afford heating during the coldest months, thereby preventing 'heat or eat' dilemmas and safeguarding health.

·         The criticism from Age UK, the Countryside Alliance and other charities, highlighting the social injustice and potential health risks posed by this sudden policy change.

·         The additional strain this decision will place on vulnerable pensioners, many of whom do not claim Pension Credit despite being eligible, further exacerbating their financial hardship.

Council believes:

·         That the Winter Fuel Payment has been a lifeline for many older people across the UK and that restricting its availability solely to those on Pension Credit risks leaving many pensioners in financial hardship.

·         While some pensioners currently in receipt of the Winter Fuel Payment may not require it, many thousands across Stevenage sit just above the cut-off for Pension Credit and will now lose their allowance.

·         The decision to means-test Winter Fuel Payments, especially with such short notice and without adequate compensatory measures, is deeply unfair and will disproportionately affect the health and well-being of our poorest older residents.

·         The government’s approach fails to consider the administrative barriers and stigma that prevent eligible pensioners from claiming Pension Credit, leaving many without the support they desperately need.

Council resolves to: 

·         Bring forward a Council-led local awareness campaign to alert those eligible of Pension Credit which in some respects will help access to the Winter Fuel Payment for those most in need.

·         Request that the Council Leader write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, urging a review of the decision to means-test the Winter Fuel Payment and asking the government to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those who do not claim Pension Credit, are protected from fuel poverty.

2.         Welcoming 21st Century New Towns

To be moved by Councillor Richard Henry

In 1946 the post war Labour Government had a vision to address the housing crisis arising from the aftermath of the Second World War and subsequently Stevenage as Britain’s first New Town was conceived.

In 2024 we are facing another housing crisis with many Stevenage residents on the housing waiting list. The new Labour Government has looked at that inspirational post war time house building programme to launch a New Towns Commission to plan a new generation of new towns fit for the 21st Century.

We were delighted that Stevenage was chosen as the launch place for the New Towns Commission.

These towns will be “well-connected, well-designed, sustainable and attractive places where people want to live, as well as having the infrastructure, amenities and services necessary to sustain thriving communities.”

As Britain’s first New Town we welcome this initiative and call on the Government to learn from our lived experience of nearly 80 years and still growing.

We ask the Housing cabinet member and the Leader to write to Sir Michael Lyons to offer support for the development of the commission particularly from the learning of the building of the UKs first new town.

3.  Winter Fuel Allowance

To be moved by Councillor McGuinness:

In July, ahead of the October Budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced her decision to end universal Winter Fuel Payments and restrict eligibility to only those in receipt of Pension Credits and other benefits. This was implemented through a Statutory Instrument which came into force on 16th September 2024.


Whilst many agree that universal Winter Fuel Payments are not necessary for some, Council is deeply concerned that many pensioners on lower and middle incomes will now not receive the payments. Across England and Wales the number of people eligible for Winter Fuel Payments will fall by 10 million, from 11.4 million to only 1.5 million.


In Stevenage the number of pensioners affected by the change totals over 11,000. This means around 86% of local pensioners currently eligible for Winter Fuel Payments in Stevenage will no longer be able to claim this much needed support, at a time when fuel bills are still high. This not only risks leaving many vulnerable pensioners across the town in financial hardship but will disproportionately affect the health and well-being of our poorest older residents.


Council understand that no public consultation has taken place, despite Age UK estimating that 2 million pensioners who badly need the money to stay warm this winter will now not receive it.


Council believes that the Labour Government has set the threshold at which pensioners do not qualify for Winter Fuel Payments far too low. Only those receiving a pension of less than £218.15 a week (or £332.95 a week for couples) are eligible for pension credits. This is significantly lower than the living wage rate.


Council is also concerned by the low take up of pension credit with only 63% of those eligible nationwide receiving them – and over 880,000 pensioners not doing so. Council recognises the role we have to play to increase awareness of benefits such as Pension Credit to ensure people are aware of the support they are entitled to.


Council welcomes the recent motion passed at Labour Conference on 25th September calling on the Government to reverse this damaging policy.


Council further notes that the Energy Price Cap is due to rise by 10% in October, which combined by the removal of Winter Fuel Payments will push thousands of local pensioners into fuel poverty.  


Council resolves to:


·         Instruct the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer calling for the policy on linking Winter Fuel Payments to Pension Credit receipt to be immediately paused and introduce a new threshold to determine eligibility for Winter Fuel Payments. Council further requests the Chief Executive write to the local MP Kevin Bonavia asking him to give his formal support to halting the changes to the Winter Fuel Payment eligibility.

·         Request all group leaders within Stevenage sign a joint letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer calling for the new Winter Fuel Payment policy to be suspended and reviewed.

·         Urgently commence a significant awareness campaign to maximise uptake of pension credits. This will include use of Council noticeboards, social media, promotion in local press and also targeted letters to those who may be eligible.