Agenda item



Reef Group


The Board received a presentation from Piers Slater from Reef regarding the Stevenage Knowledge District and the goal for Stevenage to emerge as a top destination for medical and scientific research by the end of the decade, reinforcing the importance of the existing presence of vital partners such as GSK, the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult and the Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst.


The Assembly, in the heart of the Town Centre, will provide over 530,000 sq ft of space.  Phase 1 is complete and let to Autolus. Phase 2 is yet to commence but is hoped to complete in December 2026 and a number of potential occupiers are currently being consulted.


The Board was advised that the Elevate Quarter, 1.6million sq ft of R&D and manufacturing space, would help reinforce Stevenage’s position as a leading cell and gene therapy cluster.  Phase 1, offering a range of facilities is currently planned to complete in 2025/26 and work is underway to procure suppliers.


The facilities would include a fitness and sport offer, event and auditorium spaces, cafes and amenity, training spaces and digital labs.


The Board were pleased to note that almost 70% of the UK’s core biopharmaceutical workforce lived within two hours of Stevenage.  The positive social impact of the development included apprenticeships, training and an increase in skills and knowledge and outstanding opportunities for the local community.  The Board noted the importance of developing new opportunities for local people to acquire skills and broad career development options.


Piers outlined the membership benefits of The Forge Club which gave members unlimited access to FabLabs, flexible workspaces and digital platform with locations across North America and Europe.


Members of the Board agreed the importance of working in partnership to increase the social value that could be achieved for the Town.


In response to a question regarding connection to the Town Centre, it was advised the scheme intends to help improve connections, including cycle access, bus routes and footpaths.


It was also noted that there would be benefit in Highways England considering improvement works in relation to Junction 7 and in particular the access into Knebworth House and Gardens.


The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked Piers for his presentation.




At this juncture, the Board received a presentation from Paul Jackson from Lumo, an open access rail operator, launched in October 2021, currently running 70 services a week between London and Edinburgh via Stevenage.


The open access model allowed Lumo to purchase routes where there were gaps in the timetable.  Track access was awarded by the industry regulator in agreement with Network Rail. It generated choice for customers with a strong local community focus.


The Board noted that the average fare was £40 and the fully electric trains produced 95% less carbon than flying.


Lumo was building partnerships by supporting English Tourism Week, sponsorship with Edinburgh Fringe Festival, local sports teams and partnering colleges and universities. The company was attempting to build on social value with existing and new partnerships including social value.


The Chair on behalf of the Board thanked Paul for his presentation and wished the company well in its future endeavours.