Agenda item


To consider the modification of the S106 agreement; paragraph 3.1 of Schedule 5 (Traffic Management and Parking) and paragraph 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 9 (Highways Works) attached to planning permission reference number 19/00743/FPM.



The Committee considered a report in respect of application 24/00089/S106 seeking permission for the Modification of the S106 agreement; paragraph 3.1 of Schedule 5 (Traffic Management and Parking) and paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 9 (Highways Works) attached to planning permission reference number 19/00743/FPM.


It was RESOLVED that application 24/00089/S106 be granted permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report.




The Committee considered a report on planning application 24/00089/S106 seeking planning permission for modification of the S106 agreement; paragraph 3.1 of Schedule 5 (Traffic Management and Parking) and paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 9 (Highways Works) attached to planning permission reference number 19/00743/FPM.


The officer explained the application site (known as SG1) extends to approximately 6 hectares of land within Stevenage Town Centre and is located west and south of Queensway which is the main pedestrianised area of the town centre. The site itself is occupied by Swingate House the Council’s Offices, Mecca Bingo, The Plaza, Danestrete Health Centre, Stevenage Central Library, Bus Station, former Police Station and Hertfordshire County Council offices, retail, commercial and residential properties. There are also several surface car parks which are currently operated by Stevenage Borough Council.


To the north and north-east of the application site lies Westgate Shopping Centre and Brickdale House and Skyline which comprises of residential apartments. To the west of the site lies the Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage Magistrates and Matalan store. To the east lies the Town Square which is also designated a Conservation Area and comprises the platform with grade II listed statute (The Joyride) and the grade II listed clock tower and surrounding pool. There is also Queensway itself and Vista Towers positioned to the south-east along with the Towers which borders the southern boundary of the site. To the south, beyond the A602 (Six Hills Way) is Asda Superstore.


It was explained the proposed change to the S106 agreement as described above is minor and is not considered to weaken the Council’s position in any way. As such, the proposed to modification to paragraph 3.1 of Schedule 5 with regards to season tickets and paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 9 in relation to Street Development Agreements is acceptable. It is therefore recommended that this deed of variation can be agreed.


-        Members queried how many people will be living and working within SG1. Officers stated there will be around 1800 units equating to around 4,000 people living within the development along with employment provision which includes Public Services Hub, commercial spaces etc. which could equate to around 1000+ people in the town with regards to employment. Therefore, around 5,000+ people could be living and working within the development area. However, it was flagged that a number of employment-based jobs are existing such as those employed at the Borough Council and in other local services.

-        Parking was raised as an issued  due to the amount of retail and residential development which is taking place. It was explained that the Committee had granted permission for this development and as acknowledged by officers, whilst members raised concerns around parking at the time, they considered the benefits of the development outweighed the shortfall in parking provision being provided. However, when it comes to future reserved matters, parking will be considered at each phase in accordance with relevant policy at the time.

-        The Committee stated if there is a timeline as there are modifications. It was explained Phase 1A is a joint venture with Mace with groundworks potentially starting in May 2024 and will be a 2-year build, other phases do not have a timeline as of yet but overall it will be around 10+ years to deliver the development as a whole. However, these later phases would be subject to Reserved Matters approval and these applications will likely come to committee in the future for its decision.

It was RESOLVED application 24/00089/S106 be granted planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report:


That the committee agree to the modification of paragraph 3.1 of Schedule 5 and paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 9 of the original S106 agreement dated 30 May 2023 and delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Planning and Regulation in conjunction with the appointed solicitor on behalf of the Council to agree the precise wording of the variations to the original S106 agreement.




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