Agenda item


To consider the following Part I Decisions of the Executive taken on 13th March 2024.


·       Minutes – 7th February 2024

·       Minutes of Overview and Scrutiny Committee & Select Committees

·       Regeneration Programme delivery update

·       Housing Consumer Standards – Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023

·       Corporate Performance – Quarter 3 2023/24

·       Third Quarter Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring 2023/24 – General Fund and Housing Revenue Account


Notice of Decisions to follow


Minutes – 7 February 2024

The Minutes of the Executive on 7 February 2024 were NOTED.


Minutes of Overview and Scrutiny Committee & Select Committees

The Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee & Select Committees were NOTED.


Regeneration Programme delivery update


The Committee received the update and raised the following queries:


-          Concern was expressed regarding artist impressions of new developments that could create the wrong impression. The Officer stated they would take this concern into consideration for future developments.

-          Councillors accepted the need for flats in the town centre but a Member raised concerns about the perceived lack of car parking in the area. The Officer stated there was parking capacity in the town centre, the new multi storey car park at the station, the existing multi storey car park in the town centre and other car parks which always had spaces available.

-          A Member commented about importance of quality and engaging public realm, underpasses artwork, public art and planting. The Officer agreed the need to create something that the people wanted to live and work in and would be working with developers to ensure this.

-          It was stated that the Executive Portfolio Holder has committed that the Gordon Craig Theatre would stay in its current location unless there was a better new theatre offer in the Town. The Strategic Director suggested that the Community Select Committee could be engaged in discussions regarding what future uses there could be for the current Sports and Leisure Centre building.

-          Following a request from a Member, Officers agreed that the deadline for the photography competition could be extended.

-          Councillors were concerned regarding the significant dip in Stevenage pupils’ attainment at Key Stage 2. This along with the Skills Strategy was a subject to be considered by the Environment and Economy Select Committee.


Housing Consumer Standards – Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023:


The Committee received the report from Officers and raised the following queries:


-          Councillors were concerned regarding the number of complaints that had been raised by residents.

-          Members suggested that a new Housing Working Group should be established including representatives from the minority groups, which was supported by the Committee.

-          Councillors queried how the Council would capture the experience of tenants. It was explained that a range of methods would be in place to listen to tenants and a summary report would be taken to the Executive on a quarterly basis and then onto Overview and Scrutiny for consideration.

-          The Officer explained the new inspection regime. Once the Regulator had completed their analysis, a grade would be given to each Council or Registered Social Landlord. The inspection would be carried out including early scoping and guidance such as access to existing reports and data, a desk top exercise, risk-based inspection, and the anticipation for 2 to 3 days working with Officers and Members as the Regulator develops their report and conclusion.

-          Councillors queried if the grading process will be similar to Ofsted and if It would be investigated on a regular basis. The Strategic Director stated that the introduction of the new regulations does have positive elements, aiming to ensure multiple needs were being addressed, but that there will be a time of transition to the new regime.

-          The Officer explained that the first round of results would be received in July or August and officers would consult those authorities in first tranche to learn from them and this would be shared with Councillors.


Corporate Performance – Quarter 3 2023/24:

The Committee received the report and raised the following queries:


-          Members were informed that a review of voids had been undertaken by the Community Select Committee resulting in an improvement plan, and several steps have been taken with specialist contractors.

-          It was noted that performance clinics had been held, including the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to consider complaints and challenges around repairs. Officers believed there had been improvement. Members advised that repairs were of real importance for the public, but through the work programme they would also like to look at improving complaints handling overall. Officers stated that a new complaints policy and a reasonable adjustment policy would be in place in due course.

-          Officers also explained that taken in context, the number of complaints on repairs was a low number and that a new Assistant Director had been appointed to get services working together efficiently; Member feedback was always welcome.

-          Councillors questioned why SBC had the lowest numbers in the area in terms of prosecutions towards fly tipping. The Officer explained that SBC worked with the perpetrators to educate and inform to try to avoid prosecution and the Strategic Director agreed to circulate a position statement regarding fly tipping. The Chair asked if it was possible to receive this update with the Minutes for the meeting.

-          In relation to the percentage of success SBC had with the way fly tipping was dealt with, it was explained that repeat offenders are prosecuted but generally the approach was successful. It was stated fly tipping was a high priority and could be looked at as part of the Environment and Economy Select Committee’s work programme.

-          The Committee questioned whether they could see the list of void properties. The Officer stated that SBC did not publish the list as they did not want squatters, but details of void properties were available through the choice based letting system.

-          The Officer agreed to supply Members with the details of properties that were included in the Major Refurbishment Programme.

-          In response to a question, officers advised that although SBC were still struggling to recruit trade persons, this was a national issue. Apprenticeships were a way forward, but consideration was needed to ensure there was continuity following the apprenticeship.  The Council was also considering establishing in house workforce.


Supporting documents: