To consider the variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) to planning permission reference number 23/00655/FPM to remove undercroft parking areas to blocks 1 to 3 and 5 to 7 to provide 16 additional apartments and to cycle parking provision, communal entrances, refuse stores, plant and equipment, water tanks and storage areas. Alterations to centralised communal area and ancillary facilities layout in block 4, removal of external cycle store adjacent to block 4, addition of 13 parking spaces, amendment to affordable housing mix in block 7.
It was RESOLVED that Application 23/00920/FPM be REFUSED for the following reason:
The removal of the undercroft parking together with the increase in the number of flats would leave insufficient off-street parking for the proposed development, which would likely result in increased on-street parking on roads to the north and west of the site. This will likely result in a situation which would be prejudicial to the safety and operation of these roads. The development proposal is therefore contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (2023) and National Planning Practice Guidance, Policies SP6 and IT5 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 - 2031 (adopted 2019) and the Council's Parking Provision and Sustainable Transport SPD (2020).
As the Committee voted to refuse the application for the residential development on the land to the West of Lytton Way, the application to vary the S.106 agreement was also REFUSED.
The Committee considered an application for:
Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) to planning permission reference number 23/00655/FPM to remove undercroft parking areas to blocks 1 to 3 and 5 to 7 to provide 16 additional apartments and to cycle parking provision, communal entrances, refuse stores, plant and equipment, water tanks and storage areas. Alterations to centralised communal area and ancillary facilities layout in block 4, removal of external cycle store adjacent to block 4, addition of 13 parking spaces, amendment to affordable housing mix in block 7.
Variation of section 106 agreement to increase the number of affordable homes and Primary Education contribution approved under planning permission reference 19/00474/FPM.
The application was before the Planning and Development Committee as it was a major application.
The Principal Planning Officer advised that the prime driver behind the application was to remove the 49 enclosed/undercroft car parking spaces for fire safety reasons. The installation of the additional fire suppression systems required by Building Regulations had significant costs associated with subsequent viability challenges for the applicant.
Members were also advised that engagement with affordable housing providers had identified that the approved mix contained too many 1-bed affordable apartments for current requirements. The scheme was designed in 2018 when the demand for 1-bed affordable accommodation was higher than now. Consequently, to meet the current needs of affordable providers a change to the affordable mix within Block 7 was proposed to deliver more 2-bed apartments. Out of the 16 additional flats to be provided, 4 were to be affordable equating to 25% of additional units which is in accordance with the Council’s affordable housing policy.
The Principal Planning Officer summarised the changes proposed to blocks 1 – 7. She advised that the removal of the car parking spaces would leave the remaining provision at 27% of the maximum standard within the SPD which although was at the lower end, was still within the required 25% - 50% range.
The following concerns were
expressed by members of the Committee in response to the
· The ratio of parking spaces available for residents would be diminished which would result in an unacceptable increase in on-street parking in surrounding roads including, but not limited to. Kilby Road, Watson Road and Fairview Road;
· Scepticism around the fire safety reasons for removing the undercroft parking and that the application was purely to increase the number of flats and developer profits;
· Repeat subsequent applications to make amendments to previously allowed large scale developments were a concern;
· It was noted that the applicant would again have to appeal any refusal of this application or the application would default to the original approval which had been granted by the planning Inspectorate following an earlier Appeal.
Following further discussion, it was RESOLVED that Application 23/00920/FPM be REFUSED for the following reason:
The removal of the undercroft parking together with the increase in the number of flats would leave insufficient off-street parking for the proposed development, which would likely result in increased on-street parking on roads to the north and west of the site. This will likely result in a situation which would be prejudicial to the safety and operation of these roads. The development proposal is therefore contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (2023) Paragraph 108 (e) and National Planning Practice Guidance 006 Reference ID; 42-006-20140306, Policies SP6 and IT5 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 - 2031 (adopted 2019) and the Council's Parking Provision and Sustainable Transport SPD (2020).
As the Committee voted to refuse the application for the residential development on the land to the West of Lytton Way, the application to vary the S.106 agreement was also REFUSED.
Supporting documents: