Agenda item



Project Update – Cycling and Pedestrian Connectivity (incl. Arts & Heritage)


Ishbel Brierley (SBC Regeneration Officer) showed photographs of the underpass improvements on Broadhall Way, including the murals based on the three themes of nature/active travel; STEM activities; and Stevenage Football Club and Foundation.  She then showed images of the Stevenage Heritage Trail and Cycling route, which commenced in Fairlands Valley Park.  She highlighted the fact that many areas of the Heritage Bike route needed some conservation (eg. cycleway resurfacing and graffiti removal).


Ishbel drew attention to the proposed Public Realm improvements across the town, including the Indoor Market Service Road (with links to Autolus, Park Place, the Museum, St. George’s Way Multi-Storey Car Park and new Leisure Hub); from Tesco to Westgate (with links to Swingate Plot A, Westgate, The Forum and Market Place); and Queensway South (with links to Southgate Plot K, Town Square and Market Place).  The Regeneration Team was working with BDP Landscape Architects on initial designs, which when completed would be shared with Board Members.


A number of Board Members commented on the poor state of the cycleways, underpasses and lighting in many areas of the town.  The indifferent quality of lighting on cycleways was raised in terms of safety, especially during the darker evenings in winter months.  It was often the case that overgrown vegetation reduced the effectiveness of the existing lighting, which exacerbated the issue.


A Board Member raised the possibility of the introduction of a mobile warden service to patrol the cycleways for safety issues.  Another Board Member asked if a scheme similar to the sponsorship of roundabouts could be created for the sponsorship of underpasses.  Dave Wells (SBC Assistant Director – Regeneration) thought this was a good idea, and agreed to take the matter forward with colleagues from the County Council.


It was acknowledged that the responsibility for cycleway maintenance rested with Hertfordshire County Council (as Highway Authority).  The Board felt that a wholesale review of cycleways was required, but accepted that funding to improve the whole Stevenage network was unlikely to be forthcoming.  However, it was hoped that improvement works could be targeted and prioritised to the areas in most need of attention.


Communications and Marketing Update


Natasha Lee (SBC Regeneration Marketing & Communications Manager) advised that public consultation on the proposed new Sport and Leisure Hub had commenced in early November 2023, through media outlets, social media and via a video.  To date, there had been over 300 responses to the consultation, which was a high level, pre-design stage exercise, asking for the views on a combined wet/dry activities facility; continuing uses; possible new uses; and health and wellbeing provision.  The consultation exercise would finish on 24 November 2023, and full details could be found on the SBC website.


Natasha referred to a similar consultation exercise carried out for the re-location of Stevenage Museum into the proposed new Civic Hub.  There had been 300 responses to this exercise and respondees would be provided with feedback on their comments/views.  She also referred to the increased national media and trade press coverage Stevenage, including recent articles on life science clusters.


Natasha drew attention to upcoming events, including the wrap up of the public consultation on the Sports and Leisure Hub; improvements to the Stevenage Even Better website; a Christmas Advent calendar; and continued opportunities for putting projects forward for Civic Design awards.