Agenda item


To consider the Council’s performance against its Corporate Plan priorities for Quarter 3 of 2023/24 (October to December 2023).


The Executive considered a report in respect of Corporate Performance for Quarter 3 of 2023/24 (October to December 2023).


In response to a Member’s comment about speeding up the turnaround on voids, the Chief Executive stated that the Senior Leadership Team was focussed on driving better performance in this area and that he welcomed any further suggestions from Members concerning potential improvements which could be made.


In reply to a Member question about lessons learnt from other stock-holding Councils regarding the turnaround on voids, the Chief Executive advised that conversation were held regularly with ARCH (Association of Retained Council Housing) and other Councils.  The Portfolio Holder for Housing & Housing Development stated that resourcing in this area, both in relation to securing/retaining Trade staff and, in some instances, specific materials, was a national problem.  The Chief Executive was hopeful that the multiple contractor approach would improve voids turnaround, but in any event officers would continue to investigate other opportunities too.


In response to a Member’s request, the Chief Executive agreed to arrange for figures to be provided showing how the number of right to buy properties sold by the Council in recent years compared with the 401 new properties built by the Council (ie. the net effect on the total housing stock).




1.          That the service performance against 35 corporate performance measures and delivery of key milestones in Quarter 3 2023/24 through the Future Town Future Council Programme (as set out in Appendix A to the report) be noted.


2.          That the Council’s performance, as demonstrated through the 13 Community Measures (set out in Appendix B to the report), be noted.


3.          That the performance challenges in relation to voids (Section 4.4.2 of the report) be noted, and the planned measures to improve performance be endorsed.


4.          That the strategic risk updates (Section 4.8 of the report) be noted.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.


The Executive considered a report in respect of Corporate Performance for Quarter 3 of 2023/24 (October to December 2023).


In the absence of the Leader of the Council, the Chair (Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing & Housing Development) advised that the report provided Members with an update on delivery of the Future Town, Future Council Corporate Plan Programme (which remained in place until the end of March 2024), using both quantitative and qualitative information to provide a complete picture of how the Council was performing.  As can be seen from the report, the range of areas covered and projects delivered was diverse.


The Chair stated that the new Making Stevenage Even Better Corporate Plan would commence from Quarter One 2024/25, and she looked forward to working with Executive Member colleagues, the wider Council and officers to drive its implementation.


The Chief Executive then gave a slide presentation regarding the report, and reminded the Executive that the Council had 35 performance measures, 17 of which were 2023/24 baseline measures.  As at Quarter 2, 15 of the remaining measures were at Green status (meeting or exceeding target), 1 was Amber (within a manageable tolerance) and 1 was Red (urgent improvement action required).  There was also 1 outstanding measure (percentage of household wate sent for reuse, recycling and composting), which would be available at Quarter 4.


The Chief Executive advised that the measure at Red status (number of voids returned by contractor) was a key area of focus.  New performance measures were being introduced to provide insight into voids backlog performance; there had been a low rate of return from the contractor despite best efforts; in response to this, four new contractors had been trialled; the trial had been successful so all new voids were to be allocated to the new contractors; the current contractor would be clearing the remaining backlog; and the external voids review had been completed, and an Improvement Plan was being devised.


The Chief Executive referred to the Quarter 3 Future Town Future Council Programme Performance Highlights under the themes of Transforming Our Town; More Social and Good Quality Affordable Housing; Co-operative Neighbourhoods; Balancing the Budget; and A Clean, Green, Safe and Thriving Town.


The Chief Executive reported some of the community measures for Quarter 3, as follows:


·         Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) – there had been a 22.9% decrease in ASB cases in comparison to the same period in 2022/23;

·         Fly tipping – 24 cases had been reported, in comparison with 99 cases in the same period in 2022/23.  Deterrents included mobile CCTV cameras, improved signage, and asking perpetrators to remove fly tipped material;

·         Housing Stock – 57% of the Council’s Housing Stock had an EPC rating of C or above;

·         Decent Homes – 84.77% of Council Homes met the national Decent Homes standard;

·         Affordable Housing – the Council had provided 401 new Council/Affordable homes since 2014;

·         Everyone Active-managed leisure facilities – 15,141 visits from children;

·         Customer Services Centre (CSC) – 91.9% of complaints were responded to within deadline and 91.6% of respondents were satisfied with the CSC; and

·         Residential Refuse bins – 99.67% of bins were collected.


In response to a Member’s comment about speeding up the turnaround on voids, the Chief Executive stated that the Senior Leadership Team was focussed on driving better performance in this area and that he welcomed any further suggestions from Members concerning potential improvements which could be made.


In reply to a Member question about lessons learnt from other stock-holding Councils regarding the turnaround on voids, the Chief Executive advised that conversation were held regularly with ARCH (Association of Retained Council Housing) and other Councils.  The Portfolio Holder for Housing & Housing Development stated that resourcing in this area, both in relation to securing/retaining Trade staff and, in some instances, specific materials, was a national problem.  The Chief Executive was hopeful that the multiple contractor approach would improve voids turnaround, but in any event officers would continue to investigate other opportunities too.


In response to a Member’s request, the Chief Executive agreed to arrange for figures to be provided showing how the number of right to buy properties sold by the Council in recent years compared with the 401 new properties built by the Council (ie. the net effect on the total housing stock).




1.          That the service performance against 35 corporate performance measures and delivery of key milestones in Quarter 3 2023/24 through the Future Town Future Council Programme (as set out in Appendix A to the report) be noted.


2.          That the Council’s performance, as demonstrated through the 13 Community Measures (set out in Appendix B to the report), be noted.


3.          That the performance challenges in relation to voids (Section 4.4.2 of the report) be noted, and the planned measures to improve performance be endorsed.


4.          That the strategic risk updates (Section 4.8 of the report) be noted.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.

Supporting documents: