Agenda item


In accordance with Standing Orders, written answers to the following questions will be circulated on a supplementary agenda.


(A)       Question from Councillor Margaret Notley


“Since the near disaster that occurred with the collapse of part of the structure during demolition of Swingate, we know that a Health and Safety investigation took place, but the report has never been provided by the Health and Safety Executive.  In view of the public concern that death or injury could have easily been the outcome, does the Executive Member not agree that they have the right to see this report to get the necessary assurances that appropriate safeguards were in place, with measures recommended to avoid a recurrence?”


(B)       Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness

“How many cases of enforcement action (non-parking) have the Council undertaken over the past 2 years, including (a) planning, (b) ASB, (c) fly tipping, (d) noise, (e) environmental health, and (f) dangerous dogs?”

(C)       Question from Councillor Bret Facey


Does the Executive Member believe that the maintenance fee charged to owners of garages within Council-managed garage blocks is fair and value for money?"


(D)       Question from Councillor Alex Farquharson


What options are being considered for the land currently occupied by garages which have been condemned due to contamination with asbestos fibres?”


(E)       Question from Councillor Tom Wren


What timescales does the Council think are acceptable for responding to and dealing with issues raised by councillors?”


(F)       Question from Councillor Julie Ashley-Wren


Considering the aim of the Council for a modal shift, would it be possible to focus attention on the issues of cars around schools at drop off and pick up times?  All schools are plagued by issues of parents parking on pavements, on yellow lines or idling in their cars whilst also blocking main roads.


Unfortunately, the level of traffic enforcement is not able to prevent or deter such behaviour, despite being illegal, dangerous and often causing pollution in areas where children, who are walking, are exposed to it.


What measures are SBC doing to change the mindset of parents by working with schools to encourage more children to walk to school and ensure that there are adequate resources for enforcement of illegal parking?”


(G)      Question from Councillor Stephen Booth


To what extent is the Council's geographical information system being used to help inform departments, officers and work teams to locate critical information on topics such as occupation and ownership of properties, domestic dwellings, public buildings, commercial premises, land parcels, footpaths, pavements etc.?”


(H)       Question from Councillor Graham Snell


There has been recent local social media comment about this year's poor offering from SBC of the (alleged) Christmas tree in the Town Centre near the former bus station.


Who decided on this object and on its location? 

Why was it changed from the previous long-standing design?

Can we have a proper, traditional Christmas tree back next year, please?”


(I)          Question from Councillor Adam Mitchell CC


Do you agree that the Council's communication should have been clearer to tenants of its asbestos contaminated garages?"


(J)        Question from Councillor Wendy Kerby


What are your plans for the Bandley Hill Play Centre site?”


(K)       Question from Councillor Robin Parker CC


The Scrutiny committees are stated by the Government to be an important integral part of the local government process, and are supposed to gather evidence on issues affecting local residents and to make recommendations to the Executive, all done under the watchful eye of the public.


1.          Why has SBC decided (with no public discussion amongst councillors or announcement to councillors or to the public) to stop streaming, or reporting on, all Scrutiny meetings? 

2.          Who made this decision, and when?

3.          Will this decision be reviewed soon?”


The Council received eleven questions from Members to Committee Chairs/Portfolio Holders.  The responses to the eleven questions had been published in the supplementary agenda for the meeting.


(A)       Question from Councillor Margaret Notley re: Swingate House structure collapse during demolition works

Supplementary question: “Has a report been prepared detailing if the is a risk of RAAC in any of the buildings within SBC’s Corporate Estate and, if so, when will it be shared with councillors?”


The Leader of the Council confirmed that no RAAC had been found within the Council’s Corporate Estate and therefore no report had been produced.


(B)       Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness re: enforcement action taken by the Council over the past 2 years

Supplementary question – “Please could the Portfolio Holder provide details of the number of cases within the various categories outlined the original question that resulted in successful enforcement action?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Community Safety & Equalities agreed to provide a written answer to this question.


(C)       Question from Councillor Bret Facey re: fees charged to owners of Council-managed garages

Supplementary question: “What performance management takes place to ensure that residents are receiving the service they are paying for?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing & Housing Development replied that residents/garage owners would not witness site visits unless they were present when the inspections took place.  If any garage owner felt that an inspection had not taken place then she encouraged them to report this to the Council for follow up action.


(D)       Question from Councillor Alex Farquharson re: use of land currently occupied by garages condemned due to asbestos contamination

Supplementary question: “Will the Portfolio Holder commit that the land on which the asbestos-contaminated garages were situated on would remain dedicated to residential parking whatever the long term fate of the current garage structures?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing and Housing Development replied that she was unable to give a firm commitment, as each garage block would be looked at individually to determine the best future use.  Options would include providing ongoing parking; replacing the asbestos-contaminated garages with new garages; disposal of the site; or demolition to provide additional housing.


(E)       Question from Councillor Tom Wren re: timescales for responding to and dealing with issues raised by councillors

Supplementary question: “Would it be possible for the complaints system to track when raised by councillors had been resolved rather than simply responded to?


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure & Information Technology replied that there was no central tracking mechanism, although they could be tracked if Members used the “Your Say” system.  However, she was keen to explore opportunities to improve the current system and associated processes and would take the matter up with appropriate officers.


(F)       Question from Councillor Julie Ashley-Wren re: traffic enforcement around local schools

Supplementary question: “Would it be possible to receive data from the Parking Enforcement agencies regarding the process for the issuing of parking tickets?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Co-operative Council & Neighbourhood Communities replied that she would arrange for a written answer to be provided.  However, she urged School Governing Boards to take up issues regarding parking in the vicinity of their respective schools, including a modal shift to provide more bicycle parking.


(G)      Question from Councillor Stephen Booth re: use of the Council’s Geographical Information System (GIS)

Supplementary question: “Who was charged with updating information on the GIS?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure & Information Technology replied that she would arrange for a written answer to be provided.


(H)       Question from Councillor Graham Snell re: the Christmas tree in the Town Centre

Supplementary question: “Is the Christmas tree SBC property or is it on hire?”


The Leader of the Council replied that the tree was owned by SBC and feedback received this year would be considered ahead of next Christmas.


(I)          Question from Councillor Adam Mitchell CC re: communications to tenants regarding asbestos-contaminated garages

Supplementary question: “Due to conflicting information, could it be confirmed whether or not asbestos in garages was detrimental to health, and could she guarantee that more measured and consistent communication to residents was given on this matter?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing and Housing Development replied that she would arrange for a written answer to be provided.


(J)        Question from Councillor Wendy Kerby re: plans for the Bandley Hill Play Centre site

Councillor Kerby was pleased that the Play Centre was to be used as nursery for children.  She had no supplementary question.


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Co-operative Council & Neighbourhood Communities was also pleased with the future use of the Play Centre.


(K)       Question from Councillor Robin Parker CC re: cessation of live streaming of scrutiny meetings

Supplementary question: “Will the Leader look into the possibility of an Opposition Member chairing a Scrutiny function or Scrutiny Committee?”


The Leader of the Council replied that he was aware that some councils had Opposition Members chairing scrutiny committees.  He would give thought to this matter after the May 2024 Elections.


The Council received eleven questions from Members to Committee Chairs/Portfolio Holders.  The responses to the eleven questions had been published in the supplementary agenda for the meeting.


(A)       Question from Councillor Margaret Notley re: Swingate House structure collapse during demolition works

Supplementary question: “Has a report been prepared detailing if the is a risk of RAAC in any of the buildings within SBC’s Corporate Estate and, if so, when will it be shared with councillors?”


The Leader of the Council confirmed that no RAAC had been found within the Council’s Corporate Estate and therefore no report had been produced.


(B)       Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness re: enforcement action taken by the Council over the past 2 years

Supplementary question – “Please could the Portfolio Holder provide details of the number of cases within the various categories outlined the original question that resulted in successful enforcement action?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Community Safety & Equalities agreed to provide a written answer to this question.


(C)       Question from Councillor Bret Facey re: fees charged to owners of Council-managed garages

Supplementary question: “What performance management takes place to ensure that residents are receiving the service they are paying for?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing & Housing Development replied that residents/garage owners would not witness site visits unless they were present when the inspections took place.  If any garage owner felt that an inspection had not taken place then she encouraged them to report this to the Council for follow up action.


(D)       Question from Councillor Alex Farquharson re: use of land currently occupied by garages condemned due to asbestos contamination

Supplementary question: “Will the Portfolio Holder commit that the land on which the asbestos-contaminated garages were situated on would remain dedicated to residential parking whatever the long term fate of the current garage structures?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing and Housing Development replied that she was unable to give a firm commitment, as each garage block would be looked at individually to determine the best future use.  Options would include providing ongoing parking; replacing the asbestos-contaminated garages with new garages; disposal of the site; or demolition to provide additional housing.


(E)       Question from Councillor Tom Wren re: timescales for responding to and dealing with issues raised by councillors

Supplementary question: “Would it be possible for the complaints system to track when raised by councillors had been resolved rather than simply responded to?


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure & Information Technology replied that there was no central tracking mechanism, although they could be tracked if Members used the “Your Say” system.  However, she was keen to explore opportunities to improve the current system and associated processes and would take the matter up with appropriate officers.


(F)       Question from Councillor Julie Ashley-Wren re: traffic enforcement around local schools

Supplementary question: “Would it be possible to receive data from the Parking Enforcement agencies regarding the process for the issuing of parking tickets?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Co-operative Council & Neighbourhood Communities replied that she would arrange for a written answer to be provided.  However, she urged School Governing Boards to take up issues regarding parking in the vicinity of their respective schools, including a modal shift to provide more bicycle parking.


(G)      Question from Councillor Stephen Booth re: use of the Council’s Geographical Information System (GIS)

Supplementary question: “Who was charged with updating information on the GIS?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure & Information Technology replied that she would arrange for a written answer to be provided.


(H)       Question from Councillor Graham Snell re: the Christmas tree in the Town Centre

Supplementary question: “Is the Christmas tree SBC property or is it on hire?”


The Leader of the Council replied that the tree was owned by SBC and feedback received this year would be considered ahead of next Christmas.


(I)          Question from Councillor Adam Mitchell CC re: communications to tenants regarding asbestos-contaminated garages

Supplementary question: “Due to conflicting information, could it be confirmed whether or not asbestos in garages was detrimental to health, and could she guarantee that more measured and consistent communication to residents was given on this matter?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing and Housing Development replied that she would arrange for a written answer to be provided.


(J)        Question from Councillor Wendy Kerby re: plans for the Bandley Hill Play Centre site

Councillor Kerby was pleased that the Play Centre was to be used as nursery for children.  She had no supplementary question.


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Co-operative Council & Neighbourhood Communities was also pleased with the future use of the Play Centre.


(K)       Question from Councillor Robin Parker CC re: cessation of live streaming of scrutiny meetings

Supplementary question: “Will the Leader look into the possibility of an Opposition Member chairing a Scrutiny function or Scrutiny Committee?”


The Leader of the Council replied that he was aware that some councils had Opposition Members chairing scrutiny committees.  He would give thought to this matter after the May 2024 Elections.

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