Agenda item


To consider a petition containing over 1,000 signatories received by the Council in respect of Fairland Valley Park Lighting.


The Council considered a petition containing over 1,000 signatories received by the Council in respect of Fairlands Valley Park Lighting.


The Lead Petitioner (Jennifer Huygen) addressed the Council.  Jennifer began by stating that the petition highlighted that there was a wide community need for the installation of wildlife-friendly lighting in Fairlands Valley Park (FVP).


Jennifer explained that paths in FVP were pitch dark in the evenings.  Users were unable to see the paths or the surrounding areas, and would be unaware of anyone approaching them until they had passed each other.  The edges of the paths were not visible, which increased the possibility of users slipping and sliding.  This was an unsafe situation for such a high usage facility.  For this reason, a number of potential users avoided the Park.


Jennifer advised that she was aware that FVP was more than just a place to be physically active.  She gave the testimonies of a number of other users of the Park who had provided her with reasons why they would not venture into the Park after dark.


Jennifer commented that the studio space next to Costello’s Café in the Park was used for dance classes.  The parents of the children using the facility told her that they did not feel comfortable walking through the Park, and hence rather than walk of cycle they travelled to and from by car.


Jennifer stated that the petition was supported not just be individuals, but also by local community organisations, including Cycling UK (Stevenage), Fairlands Valley Spartans Running Club and Stevenage Striders Running Club.  These organisations rarely used FVP during the winter months. However, she had learnt that they would consider using the Park more often in the winter if the lighting was improved.


Jennifer then read out statements in support of the petition from the Assistant Community Manager of Co-Space in the Town Centre and from Cycling UK (Stevenage).


Jennifer referred to the motion in response to the petition submitted by Councillor Simon Speller.  She stated that SBC prided itself on resident-led design, which was a key pillar of its Corporate Plan,  The petition was in line with that ambition, as increased usage of the Park would help the Council to achieve a number of priorities, including a modal shift towards active travel which in turn would help achieve Climate Change targets, as well as improving the health and wellbeing of the community. It would also help to address some of the parking issues around local schools, with more children being encouraged to walk.


Jennifer confirmed that the petition requested SBC to install lighting in a wildlife conscious way, and was not asking for the whole Park to be fitted with street lights.  Working with ecologists as part of the installation would be expected, in order to minimise disruption to wildlife.  Advancements in lighting solutions should make this possible.


Jennifer concluded her presentation by expressing the opinion that reflective lighting strips would not be enough to meet the requests of the petition.  She asked the Council to consider a proposal that a Business Plan for the installation of an appropriate lighting solution for FVP should be prepared.


In response to the Petition, the following motion was moved by Councillor Simon Speller and seconded by Councillor Loraine Rossati:


“That this Council expresses its sincere thanks to Jennifer Huygen for her endeavours in bringing this matter to the attention of the Council.

The Council is committed to maintaining and enhancing our green spaces for the enjoyment and use of the community.

This petition is particularly timely, coinciding as it does with the start of our strategic review of the green spaces within Stevenage, of which more details can be found here:


It is therefore proposed that:

-          This request be included for consideration as part of the public consultation regarding the development of the new Green Spaces Strategy;


-          Officers be asked to identify budget costings for the installation of reflective edging / markers for use on the pathways;


-          Officers be asked to seek the views of the Police and the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust regarding community safety and ecology considerations;


-          Subject to the outcomes of the wider consultation and strategic review of our green spaces, that this request be considered for inclusion in the accompanying action plan; and


-          Officers be asked to identify any suitable external funding opportunities that might support this request, in the context of the extremely challenging financial position of this Council and local government in general”.


A debate ensued.  There was general all-party support for the motion as a balanced and proportionate response to the petition.  The following points were made:


·         the motion was timely because SBC had commenced a review of its Green Spaces Strategy;

·         consideration should be given to investigating the request in the petition for the installation of wildlife friendly lighting in the Park;

·         the motion empathised with the petitioners, but was also conscious of the wider picture and challenges, such as funding (FVP did not feature in the current Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan).  Use of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding, or even crowd funding, could be considered;

·         the use of solar and wind powered energy to power any lighting could be considered;

·         the ongoing maintenance (including energy costs) of any installed lighting must be taken into account; and

·         clarification would be required on the ownership of the existing lighting in and around FVP (ie. SBC or Hertfordshire County Council).


Following debate, and upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.

Both Councillor Speller and the Mayor thanked Jennifer for bringing the petition to the attention of the Council.


The Council considered a petition containing over 1,000 signatories received by the Council in respect of Fairlands Valley Park Lighting.


The Lead Petitioner (Jennifer Huygen) addressed the Council.  Jennifer began by stating that the petition highlighted that there was a wide community need for the installation of wildlife-friendly lighting in Fairlands Valley Park (FVP).


Jennifer explained that paths in FVP were pitch dark in the evenings.  Users were unable to see the paths or the surrounding areas, and would be unaware of anyone approaching them until they had passed each other.  The edges of the paths were not visible, which increased the possibility of users slipping and sliding.  This was an unsafe situation for such a high usage facility.  For this reason, a number of potential users avoided the Park.


Jennifer advised that she was aware that FVP was more than just a place to be physically active.  She gave the testimonies of a number of other users of the Park who had provided her with reasons why they would not venture into the Park after dark.


Jennifer commented that the studio space next to Costello’s Café in the Park was used for dance classes.  The parents of the children using the facility told her that they did not feel comfortable walking through the Park, and hence rather than walk of cycle they travelled to and from by car.


Jennifer stated that the petition was supported not just be individuals, but also by local community organisations, including Cycling UK (Stevenage), Fairlands Valley Spartans Running Club and Stevenage Striders Running Club.  These organisations rarely used FVP during the winter months. However, she had learnt that they would consider using the Park more often in the winter if the lighting was improved.


Jennifer then read out statements in support of the petition from the Assistant Community Manager of Co-Space in the Town Centre and from Cycling UK (Stevenage).


Jennifer referred to the motion in response to the petition submitted by Councillor Simon Speller.  She stated that SBC prided itself on resident-led design, which was a key pillar of its Corporate Plan,  The petition was in line with that ambition, as increased usage of the Park would help the Council to achieve a number of priorities, including a modal shift towards active travel which in turn would help achieve Climate Change targets, as well as improving the health and wellbeing of the community. It would also help to address some of the parking issues around local schools, with more children being encouraged to walk.


Jennifer confirmed that the petition requested SBC to install lighting in a wildlife conscious way, and was not asking for the whole Park to be fitted with street lights.  Working with ecologists as part of the installation would be expected, in order to minimise disruption to wildlife.  Advancements in lighting solutions should make this possible.


Jennifer concluded her presentation by expressing the opinion that reflective lighting strips would not be enough to meet the requests of the petition.  She asked the Council to consider a proposal that a Business Plan for the installation of an appropriate lighting solution for FVP should be prepared.


In response to the Petition, the following motion was moved by Councillor Simon Speller and seconded by Councillor Loraine Rossati:


“That this Council expresses its sincere thanks to Jennifer Huygen for her endeavours in bringing this matter to the attention of the Council.

The Council is committed to maintaining and enhancing our green spaces for the enjoyment and use of the community.

This petition is particularly timely, coinciding as it does with the start of our strategic review of the green spaces within Stevenage, of which more details can be found here:


It is therefore proposed that:

-          This request be included for consideration as part of the public consultation regarding the development of the new Green Spaces Strategy;


-          Officers be asked to identify budget costings for the installation of reflective edging / markers for use on the pathways;


-          Officers be asked to seek the views of the Police and the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust regarding community safety and ecology considerations;


-          Subject to the outcomes of the wider consultation and strategic review of our green spaces, that this request be considered for inclusion in the accompanying action plan; and


-          Officers be asked to identify any suitable external funding opportunities that might support this request, in the context of the extremely challenging financial position of this Council and local government in general”.


A debate ensued.  There was general all-party support for the motion as a balanced and proportionate response to the petition.  The following points were made:


·         the motion was timely because SBC had commenced a review of its Green Spaces Strategy;

·         consideration should be given to investigating the request in the petition for the installation of wildlife friendly lighting in the Park;

·         the motion empathised with the petitioners, but was also conscious of the wider picture and challenges, such as funding (FVP did not feature in the current Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan).  Use of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding, or even crowd funding, could be considered;

·         the use of solar and wind powered energy to power any lighting could be considered;

·         the ongoing maintenance (including energy costs) of any installed lighting must be taken into account; and

·         clarification would be required on the ownership of the existing lighting in and around FVP (ie. SBC or Hertfordshire County Council).


Following debate, and upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.

Both Councillor Speller and the Mayor thanked Jennifer for bringing the petition to the attention of the Council.

Supporting documents: