To consider the Variation of condition number 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission reference number 23/00239/FPM to alter the position of the stair and lifts cores to ensure maximum travel distance for means of escape are improved.
It was RESOLVED: That the application 23/00655/FPM be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report.
The Committee considered a report in respect of application 23/00655/FPM seeking a variation of condition number 2 (approved plans) attaching to planning permission reference number 23/00239/FPM to alter the position of the stair and lift cores to ensure maximum travel distance for means of escape are improved.
The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that this application was an amendment for an approved scheme to comply with new fire safety regulations and was similar to a previous application for the same site that came to the Committee. The new regulations stated that buildings over 18m in height needed to have two stair and lift cores, which affected blocks 2, 5, and 7 in this development. There were no other changes other than the additional stair and lift cores.
The additional stair and lift cores couldn’t be within the original space to keep the size of the flats the same so the blocks had to be extended and altered slightly but were similar to what had already been approved. Blocks 2 and 5 remained the same in length and height, but the depth of the buildings had increased but over 1m. Block 7 remained the same in depth and height, but the length had increase to 240m.
A Member asked whether the size of the flats would increase. It was advised that the stair and lift cores were just being added, there were no changes to the flat sizes.
Another Member asked why it was only three blocks and whether this could be done to all the blocks. It was advised that because they were over 18m high they were required by the new safety laws to include this. There was a similar amendment in May which added the stair and lift cores into the other blocks.
A Member asked whether there were solar panels and what solar gains meant. The Assistant Director (Planning & Regulatory) advised that they were unsure if solar panels were being added, but it was not a requirement if they didn’t have it in their application before. Passive solar gain was the heat of the building from the sun or outside temperatures.
It was RESOLVED: That the application 23/00655/FPM be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report.
1. The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than 3 years from the date of the appeal decision APP/K1935/W/20/3255692 whereby planning permission was granted on 15th July 2022.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 16-019 D – 050 C01; ICON-2-PS-200 – Site Plan; 502686-IWD-XX-XX-DR-A-2320_P1 A3 - Proposed Site Elevations ICON-PS-1-100 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 00 – RevB; ICON-PS- 1-101 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 01, 03,05 – RevB; ICON-PS-1-102 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 02,04 – RevB; ICON-PS-1-103 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 06,08,10 – RevB; ICONPS- 1-104 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 07,09 – RevB; ICON-PS-1-105 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 11 – RevB; ICON-PS-1-106 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 12,14 – RevB; ICON-PS-1- 107 - Proposed GA Plans - Level 13,15 – RevB; 502686-IWD-B1-XX-DR-A-2310_P2 A3 Elevations Sheet 1; 502686-IWD-B1-XX-DR-A-2311_P2 A3 Elevations Sheet 2; 502686- IWD-B1-XX-DR-A-2312_P2 A3 Elevations Sheet 3; ICON-PS-2-100 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 00 – RevB; ICON-PS-2-101 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 01,03,05,07 – RevB; ICONPS- 2-102 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 02,04,06 – RevB; ICON-2-PS-2-103 – Proposed Elevations; ICON-PS-3-100 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 00 – RevB; ICON-PS-3-101 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 01,03,05,07,09 – RevB; ICON-PS-3-102 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 02,04,06,08,10 – RevB; ICON-PS-3-103 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 11 – RevB; ICON-PS-3-104 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 12 – RevB; 502686-IWD-B3-XX-DR-A-2310_P2 A3 Block 3 - Elevations Sheet 1; 502686-IWD-B3-XX-DR-A-2311_P2 A3 Block 3 – Elevations Sheet 2; 502686-IWD-B3-XX-DR-A-2312_P2 A3 Block 3 - Elevations Sheet 3; ICON-PS-4 100 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 00 – RevB; ICON-PS-4-101 - Proposed GA Plan – Level 01,03,05,07,09 – RevB; ICON-PS-4-102 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 02,04,06,08,10 – RevB; ICON-PS-4-103 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 11 – RevB; ICON-PS-4-104 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 12 – RevB; 502686-IWD-B4-XX-DR-A-2310_P3 A3 Elevations Sheet 1; 502686- IWD-B4-XX-DR-A-2311_P3 A3 Elevations Sheet 2; 502686-IWD-B4-XX-DR-A-2312_P3 A3 Elevations Sheet 3; ICON-2-PS-5-100 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 00; ICON-2-PS-5-101 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 01,03,05,07; ICON-2-PS-5-102 - Proposed GA Plan – Level 02,04,06,08; ICON-2-PS-5-103 - Proposed Elevations;ICON-PS-6-100 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 00 – RevB; ICON-PS-6-101 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 01,03,05 – RevB; ICON-PS-6- 102 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 02,04 – RevB; ICON-PS-6-103 - Proposed GA Plan – Level 06,08,10 – RevB; ICON-PS-6-104 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 07,09 – RevB; ICON-PS-6- 105 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 11 – RevB; ICON-PS-6-106 - Proposed GA Plan – Level 12,14 – RevB; ICON-PS-6-107 - Proposed GA Plans - Level 13,15 – RevB; 502686-IWD-B6- XX-DR-A-2310_P3 A3 Elevations Sheet 1; 502686-IWD-B6-XX-DR-A-2311_P3 A3 Elevations Sheet 2; 502686-IWD-B6-XX-DR-A-2312_P3 A3 Elevations Sheet 3; ICON-2-PS- 7-100 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 00; ICON-2-PS-7-101 - Proposed GA Plan – Level 01,03,05; ICON-2-PS-7-102 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 02, 04; ICON-2-PS-7-103 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 06; ICON-2-PS-7-104 - Proposed GA Plan - Level 07; ICON-2- PS-7-105 - Proposed GA Plans - Level 08; ICON-2-PS-7-106 - Proposed Elevations.
3. Upon commencement of construction works the methods of construction and all associated mitigation measures as detailed in the approved Construction Method Statement (CMS) as submitted and approved under planning reference 23/00054/COND shall be strictly adhered too until conclusion of all site and building operations unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
4. No development, excluding demolition and site clearance, shall commence until all trees within the development which are to be retained as identified in the Tree Protection Plan (Plan 67135-02, Appendix 4 of the Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) dated 31/10/2018 reference 67135 (V2)) have been protected by fencing or other means of enclosure in accordance with Appendix 4 and 8 of the AIA. Tree protection measures shall be retained until conclusion of all site and building operations. Within the tree protection areas, there shall be no alterations to the ground level and they shall be kept clear of vehicles, materials, surplus soil, temporary buildings, plant and machinery
5. The surface water drainage strategy shall be carried out in accordance with drawing numbers 10336_1602C2 and 10336_1601C2 which shall be retained thereafter with the drainage strategy maintained in accordance with Appendix F of the Drainage Statement prepared by gta civil and transport (document reference: 10336 dated 8 February 2023).
6. Prior to commencement of works above slab level, a scheme for protecting the proposed dwellings from noise from road, rail an air transport sources shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried our in accordance with the approved details and be retained thereafter.
7. Prior to commencement of works above slab level, samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the buildings hereby permitted shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
8. Prior to commencement of work above slab level, details of any external lighting, including the intensity of illumination and predicted light contours, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any external lighting shall accord with the approved details and retained thereafter.
9. Prior to commencement of works above slab level, an energy strategy to achieve 65% carbon reduction against Part L of the Building Regulations 2013 when assessed using SAP10 emission factors shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented and retained thereafter in accordance with the approved details of the energy strategy and in accordance with the water consumption targets contained within the Whitecode Design Associated Energy Strategy 10293-S-ENER-0001 Revision 5 dated 30 July 2019.
10. Prior to the commencement of works above slab level, details of the ramped access into the amenity garden to the south of block 7 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The ramped access shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the first use of the amenity garden and be retained thereafter.
11. Prior to commencement of works above slab level, a detailed scheme of Secured by Design Section 2: Physical Security of the Home measure for the development hereby permitted shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme prior to occupation of each block and be retained thereafter.
12. Notwithstanding condition 2 and the details of car and cycle parking shown on the submitted plans, no works shall take place until revised plans, including the details of any external cycle stores, showing the provision of 948 cycle parking spaces together with the details of their type and design have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The cycle parking shall be fully completed for each block or place and in accordance with the approved details before first occupation of that particular block or phase of the development and be retained thereafter.
13. Notwithstanding condition 2, details of the treatment of all boundaries, including details of any walls, fences, gates or other means of enclosure and timing of their delivery shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any landscaping works take place. The approved boundary treatments shall be completed in accordance with the approved details and be retained thereafter. No part of the development shall be occupied until an Armco or similar barrier has been installed in positions where vehicles may be in a position to drive or roll onto the railway.
14. Prior to the first occupation of any dwelling within the development, written confirmation shall be provided to the Local Planning Authority that either:-
a) All wastewater network upgrades required to accommodate the additional flows from the development have been completed; or
b) A housing and infrastructure phased plan has been agreed with Thames Water to allow additional properties to be occupied.
Where a hosing and infrastructure phasing plan is agreed, no occupation shall take place than in accordance with the agreed housing and infrastructure phasing plan.
15. Prior to first occupation of any dwelling within the development, details of a scheme to provide at least 20 bird and 30 bat boxes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of the timing of provision. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme and be retained thereafter.
16. Prior to first occupation of any dwelling within a block, the refuse and recycling stores for that block as shown on the approved plans shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and be retained thereafter.
17. In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken and where remediation is necessary, a remediation scheme, including a programme for implementation, must be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a verification report must be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.
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