Agenda item


To consider the following Part I Decisions of the Executive taken on 20 September 2023.


2.       Minutes – 18 July 2023

3.       Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees

4.       Future Council 2025 Transformation programme Savings Update

5.       Corporate performance – Quarter 1 2023/24

6.       Council Tax Support Scheme 2024/25

7.       General Fund medium Term Financial Strategy Update (2023/24 – 2027/28)

8.       First Quarter Revenue Budget Monitoring 2023/24

9.       Annual Treasury Management Review 2022/23 and Prudential Indicators


          Notice of Decisions to follow.


2.       Minutes – 18 July 2023




3.       Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees




4.       Future Council 2025 Transformation Programme Savings Update


          The Committee was advised by the Assistant Director (Digital and Transformation) that the report had been brought to the Executive due to a number of factors such as the changing behaviours of customers.  The main proposal within the report was to move the Customer Service Centre (CSC) to the main entrance of Daneshill House and to move to one shift for staff of 9.00am – 5.00pm.


In response to questions from Members, the Head of Customer and Digital Service gave the following responses:


·       The move from the CSC to the front entrance of Daneshill House had not been carried out in the previous year as Officers considered that it had been important to track the trend of customer behaviour before making the decision;

·       One of the major savings from the move would be the reduction in having to staff both entrances replacing this with a single meet and greet entrance for customers;

·       The Council’s Estates Team were working on a valuation of the current CSC space and opportunities would be looked for in the commercial market for a rental for the space;

·       Customer satisfaction was a corporate performance measure and was currently around 87%.  The Strategic Director (CF) advised that the 5 star customer service referred to in the report related to keeping the customer at the heart of the service.  It was considered that the measure of housing front and back office staff together in the new space should significantly help improved communication;

·       In terms of reporting issues with rubbish collection, new technology was now being used by operatives which allowed validation of complaints and it was hoped that this would address some concerns in this area.  Officers agreed to look at the specific issue raised by a Member outside of the meeting;

·       The planned date for the move of the CSC was 1 November 2023;

·       In relation to monitoring the success of this part of the Transformation Programme, officers advised this would be reflected in the existing suite of performance measures for customer satisfaction.  It was envisaged that having specialist officers on hand would avoid the need for transferring calls to other departments and would speed up the response to more complex cases.


5.       Corporate Performance – Quarter 1 2023/24


          SD (TP) advised that the Executive had considered issues relating to recruitment challenges; retrofitting of solar panels to seven of the Council’s refuse lorries and had also welcomed the progress toward the completion of Helston House, with 29 new Council homes being delivered.


          A Member commented that Helston House was a development to celebrate as a first class Local Authority project and hoped that there would be similar schemes coming forward in the future.


          It was confirmed that alongside the solar panels fitted to the refuse vehicles, the Council had purchased its first fully electric van.


          SD (RP) responded to a question and advised that Wates was the current contractor assisting the Council in undertaking void works in council homes.


In relation to the recruitment challenges faced by the Council, SD (TP) advised that a number of steps had been taken including:


·       Maximising the benefits of working for a Council including flexible working arrangements and support for training and progression;

·       Approaches for staff to be able to move onto managerial roles by developing skills and experiences;

·       Use of external recruitment agencies to target particular roles alongside growing the Council’s own talent.


It was noted that consideration of Market Factor Pay Supplements would have to be given for roles where our pay was below nearby and London authorities or for recruitment into particular skill sets such as Local Government Audit.


6.       Council Tax Support Scheme


          SD (CF) advised that consideration to change the Council Tax Support Scheme (CTSS) to a banded scheme would take place in late May/early June 2024 once it was known if there had been further transition to Universal Credit.


7.       General Fund Medium Term Financial Strategy Update (2023/24- 2027/28)


          In response to a question regarding the Swingate development and concerns regarding the length of time taken to begin the work on site, officers advised that progress had started following the demolition of Swingate House, including work on the utilities.  The development was now actively being pursued and developers would be fully on site in early 2024.


8.       First Quarter Revenue Budget Monitoring 2023/24


          In response to a question, Officers confirmed that the short course fees for Refuse and Recycling and Street Scene operatives was circa £14k.


9.       Annual Treasury Management Review 2022/23 and Prudential Indicators



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