Agenda item


To consider a proposed Co-operative Commercial and Insourcing Strategy for 2023 - 2026.


The Executive considered a report in respect of the proposed Co-operative Commercial and Insourcing Strategy 2023 - 2026, and the proposed General Fund Fees and Charges for 2024/25.




1.          That the Co-operative Commercial and Insourcing Strategy for 2023-2026, as appended to the report as Appendix A, be approved and reviewed on an annual basis (together with relevant Appendices shown in Part II of this agenda).


2.          That the Fees and Charges 2024-25 for the General Fund, as shown at Appendix B to the report, be approved.


3.          That the Strategic Director (CF) be given delegated authority to approve any final changes required to the Strategy, following consultation with the Executive Member for Resources and Transformation.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.


The Executive considered a report in respect of the proposed Co-operative Commercial and Insourcing Strategy 2023 - 2026, and the proposed General Fund Fees and Charges for 2024/25.


In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Transformation, the Chair (Deputy Leader of the Council) advised that this second iteration of the Commercial Strategy was accompanied by the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024-25 for the General Fund (set out at Appendix B of the report).


The Chair stated that the Strategy summarised the commercial activity that has taken place over the last three years and outlined how the approach aligned with the overall Council objectives and corporate priorities around Balancing the Budget.  Thinking commercially and ensuring that changes to fees and charges remained reasonable and appropriate were essential tools in helping to bridge future budget gaps and mitigating the associated pressures.  There was also an ongoing need to generate sustainable new income streams, which were built into the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, to support the delivery of vital services. 


The Chair referred to the Council’s definition of commercialisation laid out in the Strategy and its four main pillars of:


·             Improving business processes and efficiency;

·             Generating income;

·             Capitalising on insourcing opportunities; and

·             Creating a commercial culture through reviewing areas such as contract management.


The Chair explained that this approach would support services in reducing the cost of delivery, whilst also striving to achieve break even operating positions where deemed appropriate.  The Council would ensure that all commercial actions and decisions were ethical in nature and had a positive impact on the community, delivering additional social value and contributing to community wealth building where possible.


The Head of Commercial stated that the Council had been involved in commercial activities for some time, including partnership working with developers Mace and Reef, the establishment of a Wholly Owned Company (WOC) to provide social housing, and supporting the Business Technology Centre. The Strategy would apply to the Council’s commercial arrangements with external suppliers and sets out objectives to achieve best value.


The Head of Commercial drew attention to Appendix B to the report (Fees and Charges for 2024/25), and advised that these had been reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the cross-party Council Financial Security Group (CSFG), and all bar one (due to being amended following the meeting of the CFSG) had been agreed by a majority vote.  She stated that 28 out of 35 fees/charges had been agreed unanimously.




1.          That the Co-operative Commercial and Insourcing Strategy for 2023-2026, as appended to the report as Appendix A, be approved and reviewed on an annual basis (together with relevant Appendices shown in Part II of this agenda).


2.          That the Fees and Charges 2024-25 for the General Fund, as shown at Appendix B to the report, be approved.


3.          That the Strategic Director (CF) be given delegated authority to approve any final changes required to the Strategy, following consultation with the Executive Member for Resources and Transformation.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.

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