Agenda item


To consider a draft of the updated Stevenage Borough Council Corporate Plan.


The Executive considered a report in respect of the Council’s draft Corporate Plan, which outlinedthe Council’s vision and strategic priorities for the next five years, and the approach to engaging residents, local community groups and partners in its Co-production.




1.          That the Council’s draft Corporate Plan “Making Stevenage Even Better”, as attached at Appendix A to the report, be agreed.


2.          That the engagement approach with residents, local community groups and partner involvement be agreed, as set out in Paragraph 4.9 of the report.


3.          That, following the engagement period, a final version of the Corporate Plan be brought to the Executive in January 2024.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.




The Executive considered a report in respect of the Council’s draft Corporate Plan, which outlinedthe Council’s vision and strategic priorities for the next five years, and the approach to engaging residents, local community groups and partners in its Co-production.


In the absence of the Leader of the Council, the Chair (Deputy Leader of the Council) advised that the Future Town Future Council (FTFC) Corporate Plan was approved in 2016 and had been extended beyond its 5-year life twice since 2021.  Much had changed in that time, noting the financial impact of changes in welfare and social rent policy, ongoing cuts in local government funding, rising inflation, energy and food costs, and the significant social and financial cost of the Covid-19 pandemic.  It was therefore not surprising that the Council’s key drivers, vision and values had changed, and now was an opportune time to review the Council’s strategic priorities.


The Chair explained that proposed areas of focus included in the draft Corporate Plan (attached as Appendix A to the report) outlined the priorities that residents had highlighted, specifically:


·             tackling climate change;

·             anti-social behaviour;

·             provision and maintenance of new and council homes; and

·             delivery of good local services.


The Chair stated that these priorities had been set out via a Plan on a Page to aid resident, business and stakeholder understanding of the Council’s proposed focuses and approach. To provide a further opportunity for residents, local community groups, partners, businesses, Members and staff to give their views, the Council would be undertaking a 6-week formal consultation and co-production period between 23 October 2023 and 4 December 2023.  This would be done via a survey promoted through a social media campaign, the Council’s e-newsletter to residents, an article in the Chronicle and posters on Neighbourhood Notice Boards, as well as in-person events with local businesses and community groups.


The Chair commented that, as a Budget and Policy Framework item, the draft would also be formally submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 17 October 2023, with a subsequent summary of consultation findings and a final version of the Corporate Plan to be presented to the Executive in January 2024.


The Chair advised that providing opportunities for local people, groups and businesses to shape the Council’s strategic priorities for the next 5 years was vital and was at the heart of the Co-operative Council commitment.  The Council would use the responses received to shape its approach, thereby ensuring that the plan was meaningful to the people of the town.




1.          That the Council’s draft Corporate Plan “Making Stevenage Even Better”, as attached at Appendix A to the report, be agreed.


2.          That the engagement approach with residents, local community groups and partner involvement be agreed, as set out in Paragraph 4.9 of the report.


3.          That, following the engagement period, a final version of the Corporate Plan be brought to the Executive in January 2024.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.

Supporting documents: