To consider any Part I Business accepted by the Chair as urgent.
The Development Manager gave an update to the Committee on the Stevenage West development since its approval in December 2021.
The Development Manager gave an update to the Committee on the Stevenage West development since its approval in December 2021.
Planning update
Since the Planning and Development Committee had determined the planning application, the Council has formally adopted the Design Guide SPD 2023 and it was considered that the proposed development met the requirements of the new SPD. As such, this scheme was deemed to be acceptable in design terms so new assessment is required.
Changes to financial contributions / planning obligations
Primary Education
Through ongoing discussions and negotiations with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC), the financial contribution had increased by £249,000 to £14,342,513, due to drainage rates being deemed to be greater than previously identified and leading to an increase in overall projected build costs for the school. It was confirmed that the revised contributions for the Primary Education had been agreed by all parties including the developers.
Bus Service Contribution
In relation to the Bus Service Contribution, this had been identified to be approximately £2,610,000 which would serve the development. However, the final details of how this service were yet to be agreed. Through on-going negotiations with the HCC as Highways Authority, the financial contribution could be reduced to approximately £1,750,000. This was considered to be sufficient for the bus service to be viable for a 7-year period. Through negotiations with HCC and all other parties, it was agreed that the financial contribution would be £2,610,000 covering a 15 year period.
In terms of the service itself, the first phase 1 bus into the development site, would come into a turning head and exit on Bessemer Drive. Phase 2 would include a temporary access created on Meadway until the tunnel was built when a second bus would be come into operation. The funding would then continue for 2 buses and as later phases of the development were delivered, the bus service should then become viable to operate.
Biodiversity Net Gain
In relation to Biodiversity Net Gain, negotiations were on-going to agree the financial contribution for this site. The site was seeking to deliver a significant amount of open space, trees and biodiversity enhancements although it was noted that there was not sufficient areas on site to deliver this requirement along with being able to meet all other local plan requirements.
As a consequence, there was a shortfall of approximately 89 habitat units and therefore, the financial contribution as agreed with Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust would be £2,458,524 which would be paid per phase of the development. The contributions, agreed by the developers, would be paid to Stevenage Borough Council to deliver biodiversity net gain within the Town.
With regards to NHS contributions, it was reported that the NHS, had been non-committal to taking up the provision of an on-site GP Surgery. Therefore, although the legal agreement had been devised to include the provision of GP surgery on site up to 400 sq.m in floor area with a minimum 25-year lease, if the NHS were not to deliver an on-site GP surgery, they would seek a financial contribution £1,938,000 which would go towards local surgery facilities within Stevenage. This would either be the Stanmore Medical Group or the Symonds Green Health Centre.
Replacement Meadway Pavilion and Playing Field
The Meadway Pavilion was to be demolished in order to facilitate the delivery of a new access road and tunnel to serve the development. As such, and as set out in the draft planning conditions outlined in the report, details were to be submitted for the replacement facility and playing fields. However, at that time, as part of the sales agreements / easement to undertake works on Council Land to deliver the new road, the developers would pay a bond which would go towards the construction of the new pavilion and replacement playing fields.
However, through negotiations with the developers, SBC as landowners, Sport England, the Council’s Parks Team (SDS) and other parties, it was agreed that the developers would re-provide the pavilion and playing fields at their costs. The legal agreement would set out the minimum specifications the pavilion and car park should meet in line with Sport England requirements combined with replacement playing fields. This had been agreed with all parties.
Other contributions
With regards to other contributions within the S.106 agreement such as affordable housing, fly tipping measures and Ambulance Service, these remained as approved by the Planning and Development Committee and were reflected in the Draft S.106 Agreements.
Amendments to Planning Conditions
A number of the planning conditions as set out in the report, were to be amended or omitted due to requirements such as highway works, replacement pavilion, cricket pavilion and pitches which were now captured in the S.106 Agreement.
It was reported that if there was any breach of the S.106 agreement, the Council had powers to seek an injunction which would achieve a much stronger position than it would with respect to some conditions to ensure certain facilities were delivered.
It was RESOLVEDthat the update be noted.