Agenda item


In accordance with Standing Orders, the following motion has been received for consideration:


Bus Services Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding


To be moved by Councillor Phil Bibby CC and seconded by Councillor Graham Lawrence CC.


“That Council notes that Hertfordshire County Council is at the last stage in its bid for Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding, which is to be targeted at improving bus services and punctuality, thereby encouraging increased patronage.

In the expectation that the bid will be successful and, given Stevenage’s inclusion in the Sustainable Travel Towns initiative, it is proposed that the Council works closely with the County Council to implement the BSIP as far as it relates to Stevenage, which will require commitment to and support for appropriate bus priority schemes, yet to be agreed.”


Bus Services Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding


Councillor Phil Bibby moved and Councillor Graham Lawrence seconded the following motion:


That Council notes that Hertfordshire County Council is at the last stage in its bid for Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding, which is to be targeted at improving bus services and punctuality, thereby encouraging increased patronage.

In the expectation that the bid will be successful and, given Stevenage’s inclusion in the Sustainable Travel Towns initiative, it is proposed that the Council works closely with the County Council to implement the BSIP as far as it relates to Stevenage, which will require commitment to and support for appropriate bus priority schemes, yet to be agreed.”


The following amendment was moved by Councilllor Sharon Taylor and seconded by Councillor Lloyd Briscoe:


In the first paragraph, removal of the words “…which…” and its replacement with “…on which SBC have worked in close partnership with our Hertfordshire County Council colleagues through the Sustainable Travel Town partnership, the Zero Emission Bus bid, and the work to create a new bus interchange.  The BSIP funding…”


In the second paragraph, removal of the words “…it is proposed that the Council works…” and its replacement with “…we recognise that the Council is working…”


The amendment was supported by the mover and seconder of the original motion, and the following comments were made during the debate on the amendment:


·         Up to date information on bus times, frequency and cancellations needed to be provided in real time, including mobile phone applications;

·         The former SB1 bus service was excellent and well used, and a similar type service should be re-introduced (with appropriate funding);

·         It was hoped that BSIP funding would still be available following the appointment of a New Prime Minister;

·         The lack of bus drivers was the major reason why some services had been curtailed;

·         The service required significant improvement, especially for non-ambulant disabled persons;

·         As well as punctuality and reliability, the frequency and affordability of the service had to be borne in mind;

·         Hertfordshire County Council’s move towards electric buses was commendable; and

·         The service needed to be sustainable commercially, with robust contract monitoring arrangements.


The Leader of the Council asked Councillor Phil Bibby (as HCC Transport Portfolio Holder) if they could work together on a joint presentation to Members on the BSIP, in association with relevant SBC and HCC officers


Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.


The following comments were made during the debate on the substantive motion:


·         It was understandable for people to not use local buses as the service had deteriorated in recent years;

·         The former Superbus service had been funded by the former Stevenage Development Corporation – that service was discontinued after it had been passed to HCC.  It was therefore good to hear that HCC was now looking positively to improve bus services across the county;

·         Improvements required political will, together with the necessary funding and resources to expedite the changes needed, both at national and local levels;

·         Every effort should be made to improve bus services in Great Ashby; and

·         A cost benefit analysis should be used so that the benefits of the service outweighed the costs.


Councillor Phil Bibby agreed to ask HCC officers to give a presentation to Members on the BSIP.  He hoped that Government support funding would be available to progress the BSIP.


Upon the substantive motion being put to the vote, it was RESOLVED that Council notes that Hertfordshire County Council is at the last stage in its bid for Bus Services Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding, on which SBC have worked in close partnership with our Hertfordshire county council colleagues through the Sustainable Travel Town partnership, the Zero Emission Bus bid, and the work to create a new bus interchange.  The BSIP funding is to be targeted at improving bus services and punctuality, thereby encouraging increased patronage.


In the expectation that the bid will be successful and, given Stevenage’s inclusion in the Sustainable Travel Towns initiative, we recognise that the Council is working closely with the County Council to implement the BSIP as far as it relates to Stevenage, which will require commitment to and support for appropriate bus priority schemes, yet to be agreed.