Agenda item


To consider and outline application (with all matters reserved except access) for the demolition of existing buildings and replacement buildings to accommodate new office and residential floorspace (Class B1 and Class C3), with associated landscaping, car parking and ancillary works.


It was RESOLVED that planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


1)     The outline plans for the residential and commercial development would comprise of insufficient off-street parking, combined with restrictions on Maxwell Road, would likely result in on-street parking along Fairview Road where there are currently no restrictions. This will likely result in a situation which would be prejudicial to the safety and operation of Fairview Road. The development proposal is therefore, contrary to Policies SP6 and IT5 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the Council’s Parking Provision and Sustainable Transport SPD (2020), the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and National Planning Practice Guidance;


2)     The outline plans for the residential and commercial development, due to its siting, scale, massing and being be up to seven stories in height, would result in an unacceptable loss of sunlight to the kitchen / multi-functional space of Broomin Green Farm to the detriment of the amenities of the occupiers of this property. Therefore, the proposed development would fail to comply with Policy GD1of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the Council’s Design Guide SPD (2009), the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and National Planning Practice Guidance;


3)     Outline plans to redevelop the site with a mix of commercial floorspace of up to 11,059 sq.m and up to 80 flats would result in overdevelopment of the site which would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of Maxwell Road and the visual amenities of the wider area. The development is therefore, contrary to Policies SP8 and GD1 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the Council’s Design Guide SPD (2009), the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and National Planning Practice Guidance;


4)     Outline plans for the residential development would include an insufficient provision of children’s play space and ground floor amenity space which cannot be adequately provided due to overdevelopment of the site. The proposed development would, therefore, be contrary to Policies SP7, SP8 and GD1 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the Council’s Design Guide SPD (2009), the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and National Planning Practice Guidance;



5)     The outline plans for the residential development would result in an unacceptable loss of designated employment land as designated by Policy EC2a of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019) and that there is currently an undersupply of employment land as identified in the adopted Local Plan. Therefore, the proposal would fail to accord with Policies SP3 and EC4 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and National Planning Practice Guidance;


6)     The outline plans for the commercial and residential development due to the proposed buildings in terms of their siting, design, scale, bulk and massing with a height of up to 7 stories located on three sides of the boundary of Broomin Green Farm which is a Grade II listed building, would result in harm which would be ‘less than substantial’ to the setting of Broomin Green Farm and the harm caused would not be outweighed by the benefits of the proposed development. The development is therefore, contrary to Policy SP13 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031, the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and National Planning Practice Guidance;


7)     There is insufficient infrastructure and amenities in proximity to the development site, including GP surgeries and local play spaces, which can be utilised by future occupiers of the residential development. Therefore, the development is not considered to be a sustainable form of development and the developments impact on infrastructure cannot be appropriately mitigated against. Consequently, the proposed development is contrary to Policies SP1, SP2, SP5, SP7, SP8, HO5 and GD1 of the Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011 – 2031 (adopted 2019), the Council’s Design Guide SPD (2009), the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and National Planning Practice Guide.


Supporting documents: