Agenda item


To consider the Council’s Annual Report 2021/22 and Corporate Performance for Quarter 4 of 2021/22, together with the Corporate Performance Suite for 2022/23.


The Executive considered a report in respect of Corporate Performance for Quarter 4 2021/22; the proposed Annual Report 2021/22; and the Corporate Performance suite for 2022/23.


In response to Members’ questions, officers confirmed that the Training audit relating to staff effectiveness in dealing with Temporary/Emergency Accommodation was underway, and could be shared with Members if they wished to view it post-completion.  It was further confirmed that the budget to tackle the backlog of fencing repairs across the Borough was being increased from £250,000 to £750,000.


A discussion arose on the quality of the SBC website, and the difficulties experienced by some residents in its navigation.  Members felt that a clearly defined single point of entry for raising issues/complaints should be incorporated into the front page of the website.  Officers agreed that website useability was important and understood the desire for a single point of entry, although it would need to be designed to ensure that the correct information was captured when a resident interacted with the Council.  The Executive was pleased to hear that a new Web Officer would shortly be joining the Council to assist in this process.


A Member questioned the use of the term “Community Plan” in relation to Co-operative Neighbourhoods (CN).  He felt that the existing plans operated by the CN Teams were akin to Programme Action Trackers/Action Plans on issues already identified.  However, he felt that these would form a good basis for the development of what he felt would be Community Plans formulated through consultation with, and the involvement of, residents.


The Leader asked the Chief Executive to arrange for the slides used in his presentation to be uploaded to the Council’s website, and he agreed to ensure that the name of a contact officer, with contact details, was included on the slides pertaining to the Council’s priorities for 2022/23.




1.          That the draft Annual Report 2021/22 (Appendix 1 to the report) and summary action plan (Appendix 2 to the report) be agreed, subject to any changes discussed at the meeting, and with final sign off delegated to the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


2.          That the significant progress in the delivery of priorities which form the Future Town, Future Council Programme and strong performance of the Council across the key themes for Quarter 4 2021/22, together with the latest achievements, be noted (see Appendix 3 to the report).


3.          That the performance challenges in relation to housing voids, garages, homelessness services and customer service be noted, and the planned measures to improve performance be endorsed (as set out in Appendix 4 to the report).


4.          That the proposed Corporate Performance Suite 2022/23 (as set out in Appendix 6 to the report) be agreed.


5.          That the Executive Action Tracker, as set out at Appendix 7 to the report, be noted.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered;  As contained in report.

Supporting documents: