Agenda item


To consider the RIBA stage 2 design proposals for a new Station North Multi-Storey Car Park and Cycle Hub.




The Executive considered a report with regard to the proposed construction of a new Station North Multi-Storey Car Park (MSCP) and Cycle Hub as part of a Sustainable Transport Interchange.


The following comments were made by Members:


·        Officers were asked to give consideration to the re-instatement of the Fairlands Valley Showground “Park and Ride” bus service for the duration of the construction works on the new MSCP;

·        In view of the ever-changing car parking landscape in the town, Officers were requested to add a new section to the SBC website showing visitors where to park in the Town Centre, which could be regularly updated as changes were brought about through the various stages of the Town Centre Regeneration Programme;

·        Officers undertook to investigate and report back to Members on the provision of disabled parking spaces on the Station South Car Park whilst construction of the new MSCP was taking place on the Station North Car Park;

·        Following conclusion of the planning process, officers were asked to report back to Members to update them on Hertfordshire County Council’s comments with regard to any highway impacts of the proposed development; and

·        The Assistant Director (Regeneration) was asked to give provide an overview of the project to the next meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.




1.          That the impact of new and existing redevelopments in the town centre and the impact it will have on car capacity and locations be noted.


2.          That it be noted that an application for planning approval is being presented for submission for the MSCP and cycle hub facility.


3.          That the emerging design for the MSCP, which can be refined during and after the planning process, be noted.


4.          That it be noted that the total estimated budget for the scheme is £9.7M, with a target construction price of £8.9M.


5.          That the decision-making gateway for the project be noted.


6.          That it be noted that the revenue impact of any borrowing to fund the capital cost and any forecasted one-off income loss during construction are key financial considerations for the General Fund, and that authority will be sought from Council to delegate to Executive approval of the additional borrowing and change to the Treasury Management Strategy, subject to the revenue impacts falling within current Executive delegated limits.


7.          That the proposed funding mechanism for the project be approved, subject to the Towns Fund approval process and funding being confirmed by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) comprising:


·        £6M from the “Towns Fund”;

·        £200,000 from the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP);

·        £1.45M from the Marshgate land sale receipt, as set out in Resolution 8. below; and

·        £1.85M to £2.05M from prudential borrowing, subject to the net impact on the General Fund, as stated in Resolution 6. above.


8.          That the use of £1.45M of capital funding from the Marshgate land sale receipt, which was ring-fenced for regeneration purposes in August 2021, be approved.  This receipt was being generated from the sale of car park and as such part of the receipt is being requested to be used to replace parking in the town.


9.          That the preparation of a report detailing the available options for mitigating any loss to parking capacity and income during the construction phase be approved, including (but not limited to):


·        “park & stride” at alternative sites;

·        utilisation of existing capacity in other car parks, with flexibility on tariff types;

·        enhanced maintenance in St. George’s Way Multi-Storey Car Park;

·        review of parking concession deals and where their parking is located; and

·        promotional campaign relating to the other parking facilities, improvements made, and the range of options available.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.

Supporting documents: