To consider Corporate Performance for the Second Quarter of 2021/22 (July to September 2021).
The Executive received a presentation from the Chief Executive concerning the Quarter Two (July to September 2021) Corporate Performance report 2021/22.
Comments on the report made by Executive Members included the following:
· Paragraph 3.28 – Dunn Close garage conversion scheme: Officers were asked to ensure that, for enhanced security, the temporary lighting around the hoardings bounding this site was adjusted to be at a higher level than the existing;
· Paragraph 3.35 – Garage Improvement Programme: Officers were requested to publish details of the Programme on the Council’s website;
· Paragraphs 3.44 & 3.45 – Healthy Stevenage: the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Health & Older People agreed to ensure that officers included updates from the Equalities Commission to the Healthy Stevenage Partnership on the health inequalities in minority communities;
· Paragraph 3.50 – Arts Projects: Officers were reminded to ensure that engagement with Ward Councillors took place regarding local arts projects in their areas;
· Paragraph 3.52 – Cycleways: it was confirmed that the wording should state “installation on a major cycleway” not “installation of a major cycleway”; and
· Paragraph 3.55 – Climate Change: it was confirmed that a new, refreshed Climate Change Citizens’ Panel would be established in the near future post consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment & Regeneration and the Leader.
The Executive debated the Quarter 2 position with regard to the key themes which were outlined in the report concerning Emergency & Temporary Accommodation, Voids/Repairs, Garage Voids and Customer Services. Members agreed an additional recommendation that a further detailed update concerning the proposed improvement activities for these service areas be included as part of the Quarter 3 Corporate Performance report to be submitted to the Executive in March 2022.
1. That the delivery of priorities which form the Future Town, Future Council Programme and performance of the Council across the key themes for Quarter Two 2021/22, together with the latest achievements, be noted.
2. That the continued impacts of Covid-19 on the Housing Options service and actions to recover performance be noted (Paragraphs 3.72 to 3.77 of the report).
3. That performance challenges relating to housing voids be noted and actions to improve performance be endorsed (Paragraphs 3.78 to 3.84 of the report).
4. That the challenges related to garages with asbestos and the letting of council garages, and the planned measures to improve performance, be monitored and endorsed (Paragraphs 3.85 to 3.92 of the report).
5. That challenges within the Customer Service Centre (including Complaints and Website) be noted and improvement plans endorsed (Paragraphs 3.93 to 3.114 of the report).
6. That the Executive Action Tracker, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report, be noted.
7. That a further detailed update concerning the proposed improvement activities for the Emergency & Temporary Accommodation, Voids/Repairs, Garage Voids, Repairs and Customer Services service areas be included as part of the Quarter 3 Corporate Performance report to be submitted to the Executive in March 2022.
Reason for Decision: As contained in report; and 7. To more closely monitor the performance measures attributable to these service areas.
Other Options considered: As contained in report.
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