Agenda item


To consider Corporate Performance for the First Quarter of 2021/22 (April to June 2021).


The Executive received a presentation from the Chief Executive concerning the Quarter One Corporate Performance report 2021/22.


Discussion points raised included:


·        Whilst recognising the 45% reported increase in calls to the Customer Service Centre (CSC) post the last lockdown, Members were very concerned about CSC response times.  An informal Executive meeting on 30 September would consider this matter further, including further opportunities to improve the performance of the CSC;

·        Notwithstanding the appointment system operated by the CSC during the pandemic, it was confirmed that customers with high priority needs continue to be seen in-person, with or without an appointment;

·        It was important that back-office services worked in collaboration with the CSC with regard to efficient responding to customers;

·        The response times on re-letting void properties were often skewed by the limited demand for sheltered housing units. The Leader highlighted that the Council had converted a number of bedsit units into one-bedroom homes and was continuing to do so

·        In relation to the Co-operative Neighbourhood FTFC priority, the Leader asked that the issues identified during Ward walkabouts be entitled “Actions List” rather than “Community Plan”;  officers were requested to ensure that there was an element of consistency with regards to action taken by the 6 Co-operative Neighbourhood Teams in respect of matters such as following up / resolving issues identified during walkabouts, guidance on the method of payment for issue resolution (ie. central budgets or Member Local Community budgets) and the promotion of Co-op Neighbourhood meetings;  officers were also asked to ensure that County Councillors were invited to participate in future walkabouts;

·        The Leader asked the Assistant Director (Stevenage Direct Services) to provide Members with an assessment of the success of the establishment of the new meadowland areas in the town;

·        It was confirmed that the first Climate Change Citizens’ Panel group had met and that a fresh Panel would be set up for 2021/22.  An annual report regarding progress on the Council’s Climate Change Strategy was scheduled to be submitted to the October Executive meeting.




1.          That the delivery of priorities which form the Future Town, Future Council Programme and performance of the Council across the key themes for quarter one 2021/22, together with the latest achievements, be noted.

2.          That the continued impacts of COVID-19 on the homelessness preventions service and actions to recover be noted (as set out in Paragraphs 3.60 to 3.74 of the report).

3.          That the issues with sheltered voids and void loss be noted and plans to improve performance bee endorsed (as set out in Paragraphs 3.75 to 3.86 of the report).

4.          That issues with asbestos and the letting of Council garages and the planned measures to improve performance be noted (as set out in Paragraphs 3.91 to 3.98 of the report).

5.          That work with the Business Technology Centre (BTC) to recover from the impacts of COVID-19 be monitored (as set out in Paragraphs 3.89 to 3.90 of the report).

6.          That work to investigate issues with late complaint closures continues and actions be implemented to ensure complaints are dealt with in a timely manner (as set out in Paragraphs 3.99 to 3.106 of the report).

7.          That issues with satisfaction of the Council website be monitored and issues be addressed utilising the new customer feedback panel (as set out in Paragraphs 3.123 to 3.125 of the report).

8.          That challenges within the Customer Service Centre be noted and improvement plans endorsed (as set out Paragraphs 3.107 to 3.122 of the report).

Reason for Decision:  As contained in the report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in the report.

Supporting documents: