Agenda item


To consider the following Part I Decisions of the Executive taken on Wednesday 14 July 2021.


2. Minutes – 9 June 2021                                                                    5 -12

3. Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees13 – 22

4. Covid 19 - Update

5. Review of Article 4 Directions and Employment sites in Stevenage   23-70

6. Stevenage Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document 2021: Public Consultation                                                                             71 – 438

7. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – 12 Month Review              439 – 446

8. Annual Report 2020/21                                                                447 - 474

9. Review of the Use of Agency Staffing                                          475 – 480

10. Proposed in Principle Use of Compulsory Purchase Powers for Delivery of SG1 Development – Supplementary agenda                                         3 – 12                                                                       







Notice of Decisions to follow





The Committee noted the minutes of the Executive meeting held on Wednesday 9 June 2021.


2. Minutes of the Executive – 9 June 2021




3. Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees.




4. Covid-19 update


The Strategic Director (TP) advised that he provided an update on the latest Covid-19 position at the Executive meeting held on Wednesday 9 June 2021.

In response to a question from a Member, the Strategic Director (TP) advised Members that a number of officers were self-isolating and working from home.

Officers also confirmed that the review into the backlog of complaints/service requests in certain areas such as repairs would include all factors that contributed to the backlog and not focus only on the impact of the Pandemic.

The Committee noted the update.

5. Review of Article 4 Directions and Employment Sites in Stevenage


In response to a question, the Assistant Director (Planning and Regulation) confirmed that new arrangements or an extension to current arrangements would be needed following the Central Government decision to cease Article 4 Directions from July 2022.


6. Stevenage Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document 2021: Public Consultation


Members were reminded of the All Member Briefing arranged on this matter for 6.00pm on Wednesday 28 July 2021.


In response to a question regarding the street furniture strategy, the Assistant Director (Planning and Regulation) advised that although there was no defined programme for inspection, the Engineers within his Service checked on a regular basis, all furniture in the town for any maintenance and repair work needed.  Following further consideration and suggestions from Members, the Assistant Director agreed he would look at formalising the inspection regime.


7. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 12 Month Review


Members agreed that the review of CIL should take place in 2022/23.


It was also suggested that due to the confusing nature of the subject it would be useful for Members to have a separate session on it.  The Scrutiny Officer agreed to work with the Assistant Director (Planning and Regulation) on this issue.


8. Annual Report 2020/21


In response to a suggestion from members, the Strategic Director (TP) agreed to look at increasing the information regarding the good work of the Refuse/Recycling and Street Cleaning Teams which would be of significant interest to the Public. He also agreed to include information about what happens to the waste in Stevenage in a future edition of the Chronicle.


The Strategic Director advised that the publication of the Annual Report would be on-line rather than in paper copy.


9. Review of the Use of Agency Staffing


In response to Members, the Senior HR and Transformation Manager advised that in-sourcing of services remained a preference for the Council but that there were a small number of services such as cleaning and security where agency staff were employed to ensure resilience in those areas.


It was also noted that agency staff continued to be used on an emergency basis or for those posts that could not be recruited to.


10. Proposed In Principle Use of Compulsory Purchase Powers for Delivery of SG1 Development




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