Agenda item


To consider various issues concerning the Council’s political management structure and the Constitution for 2021/22.




Council considered various matters relating to the Member level decision making structure of the Council and the Council’s constitution for the forthcoming Municipal Year.


It was moved, seconded and RESOLVED:


1.             That the Terms of Reference, as detailed in the appendices to the report; and the size and political composition for the following bodies that form the non-Executive Member level decision making structure of the Council be approved subject to the rules of proportionality where appropriate for 100 Committee places where applicable (relevant Committees are identified thus*) -

·     Overview and Scrutiny Committee* (Appendix A) – 14 Members (8 Labour Group, 4 Conservative Group,  2 Liberal Democrat Group)


·     Community Select Committee* (Appendix B) – 10 Members (6 Labour Group, 3 Conservative Group, 1 Liberal Democrat Group)


·     Environment and Economy Select Committee* (Appendix C) – 11 Members (6 Labour Group, 3 Conservative Group, 2 Liberal Democrat Group)


·     Planning & Development Committee* (Appendix D) – 14 Members (8 Labour Group, 4 Conservative Group, 2 Liberal Democrat Group)


·     Licensing Committee (Appendix E) – 14 Members (8 Labour Group, 4 Conservative Group, 2 Liberal Democrat Group)


·     General Purposes Committee* (Appendix F) – 14 Members (8 Labour Group,  4 Conservative Group, 2 Liberal Democrat Group)


·     Appointments Committee* (Appendix G) -  8 Members (5 Labour Group, 2 Conservative Group, 1 Liberal Democrat Group)


·     Standards Committee* (Appendix H) – 8 Members (5 Labour Group, 2 Conservative Group, 1 Liberal Democrat Group)

·     Audit Committee* (Appendix I) – 10 Members (6 Labour Group, 2 Conservative Group, 2 Liberal Democrat Group) + 1 Co-opted non-elected member


·     Statement of Accounts Committee* (Appendix J) – 8 Members (5 Labour Group, 2 Conservative Group, 1 Liberal Democrat Group)


·     Joint Consultative Committee* (Appendix K) – 3 Members ( 2 Labour Group, 1 Conservative Group)


* Indicates where those bodies covered by the rules of proportionality for the

purposes of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups),

Regulations 1990 – total Committee places being 100

2        That the membership of the Executive and the individual Portfolios, as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report, be noted.

3        That the various Executive bodies appointed by the Leader, detailed in paragraph 4.3 of the report, be noted.  The relevant Terms of Reference for each body are shown at Appendix L.

4        That the dates for Council meetings for the Municipal Year, as shown at paragraph 4.6 of the report be approved and that the calendar of formal meetings shown at Appendix M be noted.

5        That the recommended amendments to Standing Orders concerning the Council Tax and Budget setting Council meeting, as referred to in paragraphs 4.10 – 4.11 of this report, be approved.

6        That the Constitution be amended to make reference to the Hertfordshire Growth Board Joint Committee and the Hertfordshire Growth Board Joint Scrutiny Committee as approved by Council on 16 December 2020.

7        That it be noted that the Regulations that allowed for remote meetings have now expired and that all formal meetings are to revert to being ‘in person’.




Supporting documents: