Tom Pike (SBC Strategic Director) presented a report on the proposed 2021 Board Programme, which had been circulated to Board members in advance of the meeting.
Tom advised that, following agreement of Heads of Terms, there would be a significant programme of work to develop all business cases and the overarching plan (the Town Deal Summary Document), to be completed within a twelve month timeframe. It was therefore proposed that the Board work plan included reports throughout the year ahead to:
· Agree the overall 2021/2022 Town Deal programme, including plans to develop and progress project business cases, along with supporting elements such as an engagement plan;
· Incorporate an early stage progress review against business case development (late Spring); and
· Incorporate review points for the finalisation of business cases for submission to Government, in accordance with potential Town Deal funding conditions.
Tom explained that the development of individual business cases would be supported by a Town Deal Officer team, to work on business case development and providing the technical skills (financial modelling, development management, particular specialisms) to ensure that high quality business cases received full approval within twelve months.
In support of the above aim, Tom stated that it was proposed that a key focus for the Board’s work plan in 2021 would be to oversee this business case development process, and inviting the thematic working groups to contribute to different projects (Heritage, Skills, Regeneration, Connectivity) at key points such as project scoping, review of the outline proposals and review of draft final outline business cases.
Tom advised that a key priority for the Stevenage Development Board was to create outstanding opportunities for local people to access skills, training and development opportunities, and benefit from the employment opportunities within the local area. This had been proactively led by the Board, with events such as Generation Stevenage achieving very positive support from businesses, young people and public sector partners. It was proposed this theme had a particular focus during the course of the year ahead.
Tom commented that it was further recommended that the Board maintained an overview of other Government funding streams and bidding opportunities as they emerged, to help leverage the fullest impact for the Town Investment Plan and provide support across partners to secure further funding where available. This approach could be used to provide support to future bids, lobbying or inward investment activity, and to maintain close links with opportunities such as the Herts Growth Board programme and to remain informed of the progress of key regeneration and other programmes.
Tom presented a draft 2021 Board Programme aligned to the priorities and areas of focus set out above, and based on the Board meeting on a two monthly basis in May 2021, July 2021, October 2021, December 2021 and February 2022.
In response to a series of questions, Tom replied:
· the size of the SBC Regeneration Team would need to be increased to support/resource the TIP project business cases. Further external support would be required from sector experts, together with the specialist advice provided by the various thematic working groups;
· the October TIP submission identified a number of potential fast-track projects. This would be re-assessed, although there were 2 projects that could fall into this category. If so, it was possible that a relatively early approval of business cases relating to these projects could be submitted to the Board during 2021; and
· The Team was working closely with the Herts Growth Board on cell and gene therapy technology. The Growth Board was working on an Action Plan in this regard, which when completed would be shared with the Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst and Catapult.
It was RESOLVED that the draft 2021 Board Programme, as set out in the report, be approved.