Agenda item



Patsy Dell (Hertfordshire County Council) presented an update on the Connectivity Theme.  She commented that the Sub-Group had not met, but had been in contact through regular e-mail correspondence.


Patsy reminded the Board of the Assets and Challenges for Stevenage connectivity and outlined the policy documents relating to transport in the county, including the Local Transport Plan 4, supported by the North Central Hertfordshire Growth and Transport Plan (NCGTP) covering the Stevenage area, which had identified packages of transport measures to address current and future transport issues on key corridors taking into account future growth.  Consultation on the NCGTP finished at the end of March 2020 and the plan was being revised on the basis of the feedback.  The intention was to take the final GTP back through the political cycle in Autumn 2020, with adoption later this year.


Patsy advised that, for Stevenage, the GTP focussed packages on future growth and employment areas and interurban links with adjacent towns.  The SBC Future Town, Future Transport Strategy contained themes which had a synergy with the HCC plans/policies, including connectivity, liveable streets, active travel and green travel.  SBC had also developed a Local Cycling Walking Investment Plan, which had involved a detailed audit of the existing cycle and pedestrian network and identification of measures to improve it and address gaps.


In terms of rail improvements, Patsy highlighted that SBC would be working on an Area Action Plan (AAP) for the area around Stevenage station to provide an enhanced environment, which would sit alongside the Stevenage Local Plan (adopted 2019) as part of the Development Plan for the wider Stevenage gateway area.  The new 5th platform at the station was due to be operational in the summer.


Patsy also referred to the Sustainable Travel Towns partnership initiative promoted by the County Council to support the development and delivery of sustainable and active travel in town centres.  Stevenage was one of six bids shortlisted for consideration in September 2020.


In relation to bus services, Patsy reported that the application for the new Stevenage Bus Interchange was scheduled for consideration by the SBC Planning & Development Committee on 18 June 2020.  If approved, it was anticipated that works would commence in August 2020, with works ongoing until April 2021.  Ringway were working on design of associated sustainable transport measures on Lytton Way (a new signalised pedestrian crossing carriageway narrowing and bus priority in the form of bus lanes and bus gates).  These Highway works were due to start in late 2020.


With regard to the Glaxo Smith Klein (GSK) A1(M) junction, engagement had taken place with both the Department for Transport and Highways England in relation to the optimal timelines for the A1M smart motorway improvement programme and alignment of works at GSK roundabout (all subject to funding).  Consultants had been appointed to review the scheme design and previous modelling work and to advise on whether or not the previously identified ‘hamburger’ scheme was still the preferred option to take forward.  GSK had been supportive at this feasibility stage and with the design review.  Funding for the junction works had yet to be identified.


Patsy concluded by referring to the potential next steps/future ambitions, which were:


·        Cycle/E-cycle and Scooter/E-scooter hire schemes (led by SBC)

·        Enhancements to cycle network and routes/infrastructure

·        Develop the Station Area AAP to enhance links and improve connectivity

·        GSK and Gunnels Wood area access and connectivity improvements

·        Use the Transport and Connectivity Group to help carry out a Covid-19 review of current plans and ambitions


Councillor John Gardner advocated the greater use of electronic buses for Stevenage, together with the introduction of a more reliable bus service for the town.  Councillor Taylor added that a long held ambition of SBC had been for a circular electric bus route in Stevenage, linking both New and Old Towns, as well as the Leisure Park, Gunnels Wood Road area and the Roaring Meg Retail Park.


Councillor Taylor informed the Board that she was involved with the Herts Growth Board in taking forward improvements to digital connectivity in the county.  She felt that this issue should be reflected across all of the Stevenage TIP themes/projects.