Venue: Council Chamber. View directions
Contact: Lisa Jerome 01438 242203
No. | Item |
MINUTES - CABINET 12 FEBRUARY 2025 To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 12 February 2025 for signature by the Chair. |
MINUTES - SCRUTINY SELECT COMMITTEES To note the following Minutes of meetings of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees:
Community Select Committee – 29 January 2025 and 5 February 2025 Additional documents: |
CORPORATE CO-OPERATIVE PROCUREMENT STRATEGY REVIEW To gain approval from Cabinet to delegate authority to the Strategic Director (S151) after consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Transformation to sign off the Co-operative Procurement Strategy 2025-2028 following further consultation with the community and stakeholders.
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To seek Members’ approval of the confirming of two revised Article 4 Directions to remove the permitted development rights in relation to changes of use from office and light industrial uses to residential use in Gunnels Wood and Pin Green.
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CORPORATE PERFORMANCE QUARTER 3 2024/25 To receive a report highlighting the Council’s performance across key priorities and projects for Quarter 3 2024/25 and provide an update on progress against Cost-of-Living support for residents and current strategic risks.
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To update Members on the projected General Fund (GF), Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital 2024/25 net expenditure and seek approval to amend the General Fund, HRA and Capital budgets as part of the quarterly revenue monitoring review.
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VOIDS POLICY AND LETTABLE STANDARDS To present a new Void Management Policy and revised Lettable Standard for approval. Additional documents: |
AIDS AND ADAPTATIONS POLICY To seek approval of an updated version of the Aids and Adaptations Policy following a review and consultation with tenants.
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HIGH STREET RENTAL AUCTIONS To provide an overview of the Government’s new High Street Rental Auctions process including an outline of how a consultation process would operate in Stevenage with regard to designated High Street Rental Auctions areas.
URGENT PART I BUSINESS To consider any Part I business accepted by the Chair as urgent. |
EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS To consider the following motions –
1. That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in paragraphs1 – 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act as amended by Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006.
2. That Members consider the reasons for the following reports being in Part II and determine whether or not maintaining the exemption from disclosure of the information contained therein outweighs the public interest in disclosure.
PROVISION OF AGENCY WORKERS To provide an update on the Re-Procurement of the Framework Contract for the Provision of Agency workers for the Council. |
SPORTS AND LEISURE CENTRE - DESIGN AND PLANNING SUBMISSION To update Members on the Sports and Leisure Centre within the Government’s Towns Fund programme being delivered by Stevenage Borough Council. |
SBC LAND AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (LOCALITY REVIEW UPDATE) To provide Members with an update of the progress and actions being taken to meet the capital requirements as set out in the 15 November 2023 Executive report in relation to the General Fund Capital Strategy and expenditure covering new development (building) activity at Stevenage Borough Council. |
MAJOR PROJECT BRAGBURY END The report seeks to provide Members with an update on the progression and design development of a new neighbourhood for Stevenage - The Bragbury End Garden Village project that will deliver new housing, infrastructure and connections for up to 500-700 new homes as part of the land identified in HO4 of the Approved Local Plan 2011-2031 |
URGENT PART II BUSINESS To consider any Part II business accepted by the Chair as urgent. |