Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Joint CCTV Executive - Thursday, 29 March 2018 6.00pm

Venue: Shimkent Room - Daneshill House, Danestrete. View directions

Contact: Jackie Cansick on 01438 242216 

No. Item


Appointment of Chair

To appoint a Chair for the meeting.


The Joint Committee were asked for nominations for a Councillor to Chair the meeting.


It was moved, seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor J Hollywell be appointed Chair for the meeting.


Councillor J Hollywell in the Chair


The Joint Committee were asked for nominations for a Councillor to Chair the meeting.


It was moved, seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor J Hollywell be appointed Chair for the meeting.


Councillor J Hollywell in the Chair


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence from Members.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor P Wayne (Hertsmere Borough Council) and M Stevenson (East Hertfordshire District Council).




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor P Wayne (Hertsmere Borough Council) and M Stevenson (East Hertfordshire District Council).




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest by Members.


There were no declarations of interest.



There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the last meeting of the Joint Committee held on 19 February 2018.


It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Executive Committee held on 19 February 2018 be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chair.


It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Executive Committee held on 19 February 2018 be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chair.


Presentation on SG1 and the Implications for the CCTV Control Room pdf icon PDF 117 KB

To receive a presentation by the Stevenage Regeneration Team, outlining plans for SG1 following the appointment of MACE as the Regeneration Delivery Partner in February 2018.


The presentation will also outline the implications for the Swingate House CCTV Control Room.


The Committee received a presentation from the Stevenage Regeneration Team that outlined the plans for the SG1 Development following the appointment of MACE as the Stevenage Regeneration Delivery Partner in February 2018.


The scheme submitted by the preferred development partner, MACE, had timetabled the demolition of Swingate House (the location of the CCTV Control Room) in the first phase of work.  It was therefore necessary to relocate the Control Room.  The cost of the relocation would be met by Stevenage Borough Council (SBC)


Relocation in alternative SBC owned buildings and privately owned accommodation had been considered but it was noted that partner authorities might wish for other site options to be considered. 


It was suggested that whilst Herts Constabulary had indicated that there was insufficient space to relate the control room at the Stevenage Police Station, the Headquarters in Welwyn might be a possible alternative.  Officers agreed to make relevant enquiries.


Officers outlined what they believed to be the technical requirements in terms of relocation but following a number of questions from Members it was accepted that detailed technical advice was required to fully understand what options could be realistically considered including relocation outside of Stevenage.


Members expressed concern that to successfully relocate the control room with minimum downtime and disruption, a 12 month timetable was ambitious.  Officers explained that the detailed contract with MACE had not yet been signed and so there could be flexibility with the timelines.


In response to questions raised by Members as to why the Joint CCTV Executive had not been consulted at an earlier stage regarding the relocation, Officers explained that the timetable was dependent upon which developer’s bid was successful.  The detailed proposals from some of the bidders had the demolition of Swingate House timetabled for 2021, therefore it was only when MACE were confirmed as the preferred bidder, was the 2019 demolition date confirmed.  Whilst the decision as to the preferred bidder had not been taken until the end of January, Officers apologised that the Joint Executive had not been consulted at an earlier stage.


Members were of the view that this had been very unsatisfactory and had led to serious concerns regarding the operation of the Partnership.  However, it was accepted that the proposed governance review would address these issues.


In response to a Member’s question Officers stated that if the costs of relocation of the Control Room was more than the £1 million budget secured SBC would seek to ensure that there was sufficient capital allocation for the work to proceed.



It was concluded that any further consideration regarding the relocation of the Control Room was dependent upon technical information regarding the specifications for connectivity, capacity, broadband speed etc.  Therefore external technical advice would be sought with the report then circulated to all Members.  Detailed discussions should take place at the Officer Management Board who would also consider the report in relation to options for relocation put forward by Partners and a protocol for the decision making for the relocation.  ...  view the full decision text for item 5.


The Committee received a presentation from the Stevenage Regeneration Team that outlined the plans for the SG1 Development following the appointment of MACE as the Stevenage Regeneration Delivery Partner in February 2018.


The scheme submitted by the preferred development partner, MACE, had timetabled the demolition of Swingate House (the location of the CCTV Control Room) in the first phase of work.  It was therefore necessary to relocate the Control Room.  The cost of the relocation would be met by Stevenage Borough Council (SBC)


Relocation in alternative SBC owned buildings and privately owned accommodation had been considered but it was noted that partner authorities might wish for other site options to be considered. 


It was suggested that whilst Herts Constabulary had indicated that there was insufficient space to relate the control room at the Stevenage Police Station, the Headquarters in Welwyn might be a possible alternative.  Officers agreed to make relevant enquiries.


Officers outlined what they believed to be the technical requirements in terms of relocation but following a number of questions from Members it was accepted that detailed technical advice was required to fully understand what options could be realistically considered including relocation outside of Stevenage.


Members expressed concern that to successfully relocate the control room with minimum downtime and disruption, a 12 month timetable was ambitious.  Officers explained that the detailed contract with MACE had not yet been signed and so there could be flexibility with the timelines.


In response to questions raised by Members as to why the Joint CCTV Executive had not been consulted at an earlier stage regarding the relocation, Officers explained that the timetable was dependent upon which developer’s bid was successful.  The detailed proposals from some of the bidders had the demolition of Swingate House timetabled for 2021, therefore it was only when MACE were confirmed as the preferred bidder, was the 2019 demolition date confirmed.  Whilst the decision as to the preferred bidder had not been taken until the end of January, Officers apologised that the Joint Executive had not been consulted at an earlier stage.


Members were of the view that this had been very unsatisfactory and had led to serious concerns regarding the operation of the Partnership.  However, it was accepted that the proposed governance review would address these issues.


In response to a Member’s question Officers stated that if the costs of relocation of the Control Room was more than the £1 million budget secured SBC would seek to ensure that there was sufficient capital allocation for the work to proceed.



It was concluded that any further consideration regarding the relocation of the Control Room was dependent upon technical information regarding the specifications for connectivity, capacity, broadband speed etc.  Therefore external technical advice would be sought with the report then circulated to all Members.  Detailed discussions should take place at the Officer Management Board who would also consider the report in relation to options for relocation put forward by Partners and a protocol for the decision making for the relocation.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership Governance Review pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Stevenage Borough Council’s Assistant Director for Communities and Neighbourhoods will present a report on the proposed Governance Review of CCTV.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an officer report that outlined proposals for a governance review following the questions raised by Members at the last meeting.


Members were of the view that given the discussion on the previous item a comprehensive governance review was more than overdue.


It was accepted that since its creation in 1996, with Stevenage and North Herts as the original partners, it had been successful and had grown with East Herts and Hertsmere becoming full partners.  However, there had been little change to the governance of the partnership.


The Joint Committee considered that the review should include both sides of the initiative, public realm and commercial contracts with a cost benefit analysis regarding the division of responsibility between the Partnership and the Company.  Officers indicated that on behalf of the Partnership, the Board of the Company would be officially approached to request that they participate.


Officers indicated that the Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS) was to be approached to scope the review in conjunction with the Officer Management Board and a proposed scope would then be submitted to the Executive for comments via email


At this juncture Members took the opportunity to thank the officers for the responses provided to the questions raised following the last meeting.  It was considered that this had proved a good starting point to move forward.




1.  That approval is given to a governance review of the Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership and CCTV Company.


2.  That approval is given for the audit of current governance arrangements to commence in April 2018.


Reason for Decision: To resolve the issues raised in relation to the governance of the Partnership and the Company.

Other Options Considered: None.


The Committee considered an officer report that outlined proposals for a governance review following the questions raised by Members at the last meeting.


Members were of the view that given the discussion on the previous item a comprehensive governance review was more than overdue.


It was accepted that since its creation in 1996, with Stevenage and North Herts as the original partners, it had been successful and had grown with East Herts and Hertsmere becoming full partners.  However, there had been little change to the governance of the partnership.


The Joint Committee considered that the review should include both sides of the initiative, public realm and commercial contracts with a cost benefit analysis regarding the division of responsibility between the Partnership and the Company.  Officers indicated that on behalf of the Partnership, the Board of the Company would be officially approached to request that they participate.


Officers indicated that the Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS) was to be approached to scope the review in conjunction with the Officer Management Board and a proposed scope would then be submitted to the Executive for comments via email


At this juncture Members took the opportunity to thank the officers for the responses provided to the questions raised following the last meeting.  It was considered that this had proved a good starting point to move forward.




1.  That approval is given to a governance review of the Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership and CCTV Company.


2.  That approval is given for the audit of current governance arrangements to commence in April 2018.


Reason for Decision: To resolve the issues raised in relation to the governance of the Partnership and the Company.

Other Options Considered: None.


Urgent Business

To consider any business not recorded on the Agenda which, in the opinion of the Chairman, is urgent.






Date of Next Meeting

To agree the date (and time and venue) of the next meeting of the Joint Executive.


A Member drew attention to the Joint Committee’s Constitution that stated that Partner Authorities should take in turn responsibility for hosting/chairing the Joint Executive.


Accordingly it was noted that the next meeting was to be hosted/chaired by North Herts District Council in June 2018.


A Member drew attention to the Joint Committee’s Constitution that stated that Partner Authorities should take in turn responsibility for hosting/chairing the Joint Executive.


Accordingly it was noted that the next meeting was to be hosted/chaired by North Herts District Council in June 2018.